EconStor Usage Statistics: Downloads total

Selected time period:


Total number of downloads in the selected time period: 69,775,414

Further download figures and rankings:

to get download figures of single documents follow the links in the Top 10 downloads list or choose the link “download statistics” in single title records on EconStor.

ranking of most downloaded papers (Top 10 downloads):


distribution of downloads over the selected time period:


downloads by country:

pos. country total perc.
1 image of flag of Germany Germany 15,595,589 22.35%
2 image of flag of United States United States 10,893,921 15.61%
3 image of flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 3,308,883 4.74%
4 image of flag of India India 2,840,492 4.07%
5 image of flag of China China 2,556,038 3.66%
6 image of flag of Philippines Philippines 2,078,525 2.98%
7 image of flag of France France 1,769,623 2.54%
8 image of flag of Russia Russia 1,576,526 2.26%
9 image of flag of Netherlands Netherlands 1,213,777 1.74%
10 image of flag of Czechia Czechia 1,053,469 1.51%
    other countries 26,888,571 38.54%