Dove Medical Press is a participating organization of the ORCID initiative and authors are required to provide their ORCID numbers at submission whenever available.

What is ORCID?
ORCID, Inc. (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization that provides researchers around the world with a single, universal identifier that can be used throughout their careers, regardless of institutional affiliation or changes in name. This digital identifier distinguishes individual researchers from one another and allows them to maintain a record of their scholarly output, including publications, data sets, and other research activities. As an ORCID Member Organization, Dove Medical Press is committed to promoting transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers and recognizing the significance of the broader digital infrastructure necessary for researchers to share information on a global scale.

What are the benefits for authors having an ORCID iD?
There are often many researchers who have the same name, there are also researchers who may change their name or publish under different names during their career. With an ORCID iD, you will be correctly linked with your research work. And, if you use your ORCID iD during the submission process, and grant Crossref permission, we will update your ORCID record whenever you publish an article with us.

How can I include my ORCID iD in my Dovepress profile?
You can either enter it in the “Update my Details’ section of your user interface after you log in. Alternatively, when submitting a paper there is a field in Step 1, Your Details, where you can enter your ORCID iD.

Authenticated ORCID iDs that we collect will be included in the articles metadata and PDF. This will enable us to display your ORCID iD alongside your name for the online version and will also trigger the Crossref auto-update functionality. Crossref will send a notification to your ORCID inbox requesting permission to update your ORCID record with your published article. Please see https://www.crossref.org/community/orcid/ for more information.

Updated 12 May 2023