Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing of Materials

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is based on the propagation of sound waves in the component being tested. Ultrasonic testing can detect subsurface, internal and, in some cases, surface defects in different materials. DEKRA provides customers a range of ultrasonic testing solutions.
About Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing (UT) is an testing method for detecting material defects using ultrasound technology. Ultrasonic testing is a volumetric testing method, similar to radiographic testing. The volume is tested for irregularities.
DEKRA uses ultrasonic testing for the detection and sizing of in-service and manufacture defects. Ultrasonic testing can be used for weld seam testing, sheet metal testing and wall thickness measurement, as well as testing large-volume forgings or casings. Since there is no need to set up a safety area, ultrasonic testing can be used when the production process must continue.
Defects that can be detected include cracks, slag, pores, planar discontinuities and porosity, inclusions and lack of fusions. Our experts provide highly accurate defect coordinates, length and orientation height (depth). Planar flaws are considered to be more detrimental to weld quality than volumetric flaws. Ultrasonic testing has a higher probability than radiography of detecting defects, consistently rejecting planar discontinuities.
Ultrasonic testing can be used for multiple inspection methods:
  • Volumetric inspections of, welds, castings, products etc.
  • Detection of planar discontinuities in pipes
  • For general wall thickness measurements
  • For standard and specified periodical industrial inspections of machines, equipment, engines, turbines, aircrafts etc.
  • For periodical and non-periodical industrial inspections at power stations; including boilers, vessels, drums and pipelines
  • For periodical and non-periodical industrial inspections in the oil and gas industry; including reactors, pipelines, storage tanks, heat exchangers, etc.
  • For periodical and non-periodical industrial inspections in the chemical industry; including pumps, and chemical storage
  • Public transport; trains, ships, buses and trams
  • Constructions including bridges, oil platforms and windmills
DEKRA’s ultrasonic testing experts are certified in accordance with ISO 9712 and Nordtest and our ultrasonic testing meets all the latest testing standards. We also provide customers with dedicated data evaluation software packages for the evaluation of ultrasonic testing data (ultrasonic testing signal and coordinates).