E-mobility Testing

Testing and certification for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure technology

At DEKRA, we guide industry professionals around the world through multiple options for e-mobility testing and certification.
The benefits of E-mobility Testing with DEKRA
  • A wide testing and certification service range for e-mobility, from charging station infrastructure to individual battery cells and modules, and from advanced driver assistance systems, cables and inverters to wheels and tire testing
  • A proven track record in testing and certification for the automotive industry, electrical and electronics industry for more than 90 years
  • Laboratories, testing facilities and offices in more than 50 countries around the world
  • Staying informed with the latest legislative requirements and industry standards
About E-mobility Testing
E-mobility is on the rise. While vehicle technology advances, consumers are becoming more environmentally aware. Simultaneously, mandatory emission reduction targets force manufacturers to introduce more electrified vehicles. This adds a whole new dimension to the automotive industry. As a result of the e-mobility trend, two previously separated worlds merge: the automotive and the electrical industry.
So how can you, as an industry professional, keep up with all these developments? At DEKRA, we not only closely monitor the latest legislative requirements and industry standards. We also actively participate in various standardization committees from both automotive and electrical worlds as well as industry consortia consisting of manufacturers, suppliers, engineering partners, providers of charging infrastructure and other test houses. By taking a proactive role in this way, we strive to help international standards keep pace with the rapidly changing e-mobility landscape.
    • Electric vehicles
    • Charging stations (AC, DC, up to 360 kW)
    • Plugs, cables and wiring (HV)
    • Battery cells, modules
    • Battery management systems
    • Electronic control units (ECU)