Projects and research topics
- Location and positioning systems
Navigation signal security, RFID, relay attacks, distance bounding
- OTPW – one-time password
authentication system
- Privacy and freedom issues
- Project Dendros
- Reliability of security systems
- Security protocols
- SOAAP software analysis
LLVM-based compartmentalisation analysis
- Social networking and privacy
- Cryptology (publications)
block ciphers (Serpent, BEAR, LION, TEA, XTEA), stream ciphers
(Chameleon), hash functions (Tiger)
- Steganography, information
hiding, digital watermarks
- Electronic commerce
- TESLA temporal assertion system
LLVM-based dynamic analysis/transformation for security
- The Global Internet Trust Register
Please consult the personal web pages of
group members for the most up-to-date list of projects and
research interests.