NY発☆ナチュラルコスメで人気の Glossier その他の出品一覧はこちらからどうぞ↓↓↓
Glossier☆香りが選べるリップバーム☆Balm Dotcom 11色(新色追加)
1. Original - fragrance-free
2. Birthday - vanilla buttercream cake with sprinkles of subtle shimmer
3. Rose - has a barely-there pink tint ★
4. Cherry - has a sheer red tint ★
5. Mint - cooling feel
3. Coconut - beachy
7. Mango - fresh and juicy, with a peachy rose tint ★
8. Berry - luscious and jammy, with a sheer berry tint ★
9. Cookie Butter - Sweet, slightly spiced Speculoos cookies, with a melted caramel tint ★(限定色)
10. Lavender - bright, floral, herbaceous, with a touch of honeyed sweetness and a sheer, soft purple tint ★
11. Swiss Miss - Hints of rich cocoa, vanilla, and sugar strands, with a sheer, chestnut-brown tint ★(限定色)
0.5 fl oz / 15 ml