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Posts (37)

  1. Let's unleash the BBC's potential to combat fake news and help Global Britain

    Tony Hall

    BBC Director-General

    Let's unleash the BBC's potential to combat fake news and help Global Britain

    By acting now, we can ensure fair and free news - along with Britain's voice and values - continue to resonate powerfully around the world

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  2. Why we broadcast what Jamal Khashoggi told us three days before he disappeared

    Jo Floto

    Editor, The World Tonight, Newshour

    Why we broadcast what Jamal Khashoggi told us three days before he disappeared

    Some people have questioned the decision by Newshour and The World Tonight to broadcast the words of Jamal Khashoggi recorded shortly before the formal start of an interview. So I'd like to explain how we arrived at that decision.

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  3. From catfishing to unregistered religious marriages: finding news stories hidden In Plain Sight

    Dino Sofos

    Senior Journalist

    From catfishing to unregistered religious marriages: finding news stories hidden In Plain Sight

    The news agenda the BBC covers is changing - and our In Plain Sight project is playing a big part in bringing this about.

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  4. How the BBC stays safe in the world’s most dangerous places

    Chris Kemp

    Head of High Risk and News Safety

    How the BBC stays safe in the world’s most dangerous places

    The BBC High Risk and News Safety team has its origins from the time of the Bosnian conflict in the 1990s, when the war’s easy accessibility led to a lot of journalists, many of them freelancers, getting killed or injured. There was a need to do something more systematic to make this safer.

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  5. Key milestones in the Local News Partnership project

    Matthew Barraclough

    Head of BBC Local News Partnerships

    We’ve reached three key milestones in the Local News Partnership project, with a fourth just around the corner, reports Matthew Barraclough, Editor BBC Journalism Working Group.

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  6. Operation Sanctuary: An Inside Out North East and Cumbria special

    Jacqui Hodgson

    Editor, Factual Programmes, North East and Cumbria

    Operation Sanctuary: An Inside Out North East and Cumbria special

    Spring 2016. Inside Out Producer Dan Farthing rings from Newcastle Crown Court. “You will not believe what I have just heard…” and what he went on to describe was indeed pretty extraordinary...

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  7. Better In or Out? Regional EU Referendum specials on BBC Television

    Jason Dean

    Politics Editor, BBC English Regions

    Jason Dean previews our regional EU Referendum broadcasts on BBC TV, Sunday, 12 June.

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  8. Panorama - Living With Dementia: Chris’s Story

    Maria David

    Producer, BBC News

    Panorama - Living With Dementia: Chris’s Story

    BBC News Producer Maria David explains how a special Panorama about dementia, was made.

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  9. Chatting with the QI Elves about BBC Two's 'No Such Thing as the News'

    Jon Jacob

    Editor, About the BBC Blog

    Ahead of a brand new current affairs series brought to you by the QI Elves, we spoke to 'No Such Thing as the News' presenters James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, Anna Ptaszynski and Dan Schreiber.

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  10. How the new partnership with local press will work

    David Holdsworth

    Controller of English Regions

    Controller of English Regions explains how the BBC will work with other organisations to ensure that local life is well reported. This article was originally published in the Press Gazette on Friday 13 May, 2016

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