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Insights / Press

AOE Group on growth track

May 28, 2024

FInno Consult GmbH, ENNO studio GmbH and ITM Research GmbH now part of AOE Group

With this step, AOE Group is continuing to implement its growth strategy of positioning itself as a leading consulting and development company in the digital transformation market. FInno Consult, ENNOstudio and ITM Research will continue to operate independently under the umbrella of AOE Group under their own brand names and complement its service portfolio with customer-friendly, intuitive end-to-end solutions with focus on banking and insurance sectors.

Wiesbaden, May 28, 2024

AOE Group, previously consisting of the agile software service provider AOE and the cybersecurity solution Bare.ID, is expanding its ecosystem to include the digital consulting boutiques FInno Consult, ENNOstudio and ITM Research. In future, the Group's clients will benefit from an expanded network of specialists, extended industry expertise in the FinTech sector and greater competence in the areas of IT consulting, system integration and digital experience.

"We are very much looking forward to working with FInno Consult, ENNOstudio and ITM Research. Under the umbrella of AOE Group, the advantages of experienced expert boutiques are combined with the use of synergies and the clout of a leading group of companies. Our expanded range of services, particularly in the consulting environment, creates sustainable added value for our clients. With five additional European locations in Pforzheim, Vienna, Berlin, Budapest and Sarajevo, the company is responding to its dynamic growth and setting another milestone in its corporate development," says Kian Gould, founder and CEO of AOE Group.

The core competence of the three digital boutiques FInno Consult, ENNOstudio and ITM Research is to design tailor-made strategies for customer-centric innovative business models in the front-end market and implement them in unique digital customer experiences. "Thanks to the combination of our experience as a design agency, innovation consultant and developer of customer-centric solutions with a clear focus on the financial sector and AOE Group's technological expertise in the telco environment, among others, we have an ideally complementary service portfolio," explains Chris Berger, founder, and co-CEO of FInno Consult. 

Felix Schupp, CSO of AOE Group, adds: "Thanks to the increase in expertise and the associated networking in the financial services sector, efficiency growth and synergies are created, freeing up resources for further company growth. By pooling the expertise of all the companies belonging to the group, we are able to position our clients for the future across industries and sectors. This enables us to provide both consulting experts and qualified developer capacities for implementation - for a holistic digital customer experience."

Press contact:

AOE Group
Sara Noori / Felix Schupp
+49 6122 70707-0
[email protected]

About AOE Group 

AOE Group is a merger of four successful European digital service providers that combine creativity with innovative technology and reliability in project realization.

As one of the leading agile software service providers in Germany, AOE Group supports innovative companies in the digital transformation of existing business models by developing complex custom software as well as providing strategic and technological consulting. AOE Group also has its own academy, which offers training in the areas of DevOps & Cloud, software development and architecture, agility, software testing and cybersecurity. Reference customers include Deutsche Telekom, congstar and RTL.

As a leading digital innovation consultancy for banks and insurance companies, FInno Consult GmbH regularly evaluates the digital maturity and digital customer experience of banks and insurance companies using the Finnoscore, which is based on 480 criteria. Reference customers include several German savings banks and Swiss cantonal banks, Bank Cler, HUK24 and UNIQA.

Product design and innovation consultant ENNO studio GmbH designs and develops digital solutions from ideas to market launch and realizes appealing, customer-centric and inclusive digital customer experiences. Reference customers include BARMER, ADAC and HelloFresh.

ITM Research GmbH provides highly scalable software solutions and technical consulting services for global enterprises, SMEs, and technology challengers. Its services include digital transformation consulting, market research, roadmap planning and software development, particularly for the financial sector. Reference clients include the German Sparda Group, Arnold Glas and Radicant Bank.