Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on October 6, 2015
Major issue with remote (see below) and software bugs including an issue outputting surround sound from Netflix, recommend you hold off purchasing for now! Giving it a 3 star rating (down from 5) because of these issues. I have an open case with Amazon's support staff about the remote issue, will update this as I receive updates.

This review builds on my review of the first Fire TV box by Amazon that over 26,000 people found helpful. While the new box is very similar to the old one, this review is completely new because a lot has changed since the first Fire box was released. This review is packed with information and opinion as well as honestly.

I am not a casual user of on-demand content and devices. Having tried smart tv's from 5 brands, smart dvd/blu ray players, Apple TV, WDTV, HTPC, Chromecast, Fire TV box (old one), Fire TV stick, Nvidia Shield and too many other competing products to mention--for streaming content.

While there are TONS of options, my goal is to find the best, easy to use box that doesn't require additional items or tweaking. Before the first Fire TV box that was a Roku 3, pretty much without question. Since then Amazon released the Fire TV stick, and this new Fire TV box. Roku released the improved Roku 3. Google released the second generation Nexus streamer. Nvidia released the impressive Shield and Apple announced its upcoming updated box.

The biggest prize--the one box for the average family to own is....still a Fire TV--whether it is the older version or this new one.

The new Fire TV box adds 4k streaming which until now was pretty much only available on the Nvidia Shield and newer smart tvs. No Apple nor Roku product supports 4k streaming and with the release of this box it will force others to add it soon. It does this by supporting High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). This basically means the new Fire TV box smashes more detail into your existing cables to allow it to stream the 4k (which is four times the amount of detail as 1080p).

This means even if you don't own a 4k TV yet (which would make two of us), you are ready for it when you get one without having to buy a new box--HEVC support isn't something an update can add--you need a new hardware box.

The new Fire TV box also adds an microSD card slot for more storage space (something you need if you load games like I do). Other improvements include 802.11AC wifi support for even better wireless connections for smoother streaming. A beefed up its processor (which was already the best of the mainstream boxes) makes it even faster and more responsive. I noticed the difference in AOL's ON app as well as NBC's app.

Voice search, which was already a very strong feature, has gotten even better. Now voice search can check all of Amazon’s video, music, app, and games, and Hulu, HBO GO, Crackle, Showtime, Starz (and VEVO's app if you have it installed in my experience). To make it even better Amazon added Alexa, a cloud-based service, to check sports scores or the weather, play music, or tell you a knock-knock joke. (Ask her how tall she is or her favorite color.) That being said, this service is very limited right now. Hopefully Amazon will add more of the content Alexa enjoys on Echo but for now it is a cool toy but she could use a bit more personality in my opinion!

The remote control has gotten taller so the buttons are in a more convent location for most hands and the 5-way directional button is now more 3D so it is easier to find in the dark--all of which is great improvements. But the remote has me very upset because someone thought it would make sense to make it nearly impossible to open. In fact after trying for twenty minutes and even cutting myself with a knife in the process, I GAVE UP on using the new remote because I couldn't even install batteries in it. Now before you start thinking I am hopeless, not only have I never had such issues with any remote control before but my wife couldn't get it open either. Now I am praying that I got a dud remote and everyone else won't have this problem but why would Amazon's design staff change the old remote battery door when it worked just fine?

I also am very sad to see the optical audio (TOSLINK) port disappear quietly. While HDMI supports digital audio as well as video, I liked the options of having an audio output go to the receiver directly without requiring HDMI.

Software quirks? Now this might just be my imagination but the new Fire TV box seems to have slightly buggier software. It is tiny things that most people might now even catch but hopefully it just that the box needs a few wrinkles ironed out before it is as smooth as the existing boxes. Amazon's software on the brand new Fire tablets makes them buggy too so maybe they need better programmers. ;) Normally these bugs seems to pause video while the audio keeps playing, or the audio starts before you see video (but stays in sync) or results in "harsher" sounding music streaming. The glitches seem to fix themselves but it is not something I am used to on the older Fire TV boxes so it is disappointing. I am using the exact same apps as I did the same day on my older Fire TV box without issues.

Another software issue--Netflix is not currently outputting surround sound (5.1) with this new box. The older Fire TV box and stick output the surround sound just fine so this is most likely a temporary bug but it is big deal to many folks. If this changes, I will update this review.

Also the new boxes draw more power--requiring 21 watts instead of the older boxes 16 watt power supply. Not a huge difference but I wish it would have been heading the OTHER direction. More power being used means more heat inside that small box which might mean a shorter lifespan or even overheating. This is something to watch but not be freaked out about.

Comparing the new Fire TV box to:

Apple TV which is easy to use (interface) but Apple limits the content you can get greatly (including no Prime Streaming built in) and it lacks a lot in features as well and is slow. They are releasing a new box this winter but so far it doesn't blow me away. The reason for selecting Apple TV is if you have other apple products that unlock features (like Amazon's content). Apple could be a major player but they would need to really improve their content, their hardware and add features first.

Roku 4 (Released in a couple weeks) is heads and tails better than past Roku boxes in terms of speed. Roku stands out with the most content and being pretty simple to use. This new model is not out yet so I can't compare its real world performance yet but it delivers some of Fire TV's new features for about $30 more. This box adds some 4k support (but perhaps not High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) which is disappointing). According to their site you will need a new HDMI cable to have the 4k work and it might not support as much 4k content as the Amazon Fire TV method. They added voice search, a remote locator (nice bonus), a quad processor (but no word on how fast) and it still has the optical output. It looks good on paper but it still lacks some features and popular content and is 30% more expensive.

Nvidia Shield is a solid hardware box with 4k support and better games but it fails to be the complete package. It is lacking features, a lot of content and is expensive compared to other boxes. Now that Fire TV has 4k support, I expect Nvidia Shield to really struggle to find its place in the market.

Fire TV Stick:
Basically it is the best value around if you are on a budget unless you need the ability to surf the web on your TV like a Chromecast stick. But if you have the cash for the best, consider getting the Fire TV box instead.

I have added quick summaries of other options to make sure everyone knows about the other options out there.

WDTV: Are great for streaming your own content but not very user friendly. These are more for folks that want to tinker with items.

Chromecast: Is very cheap at $35 but requires other items to use (no remote included!), is limited to 16 channels according to their own site with other content broadcast via Chrome's browser not at the same quality level. This does allow you to browse the internet on your tv and is amazing for the cost but is more of a niche market than FireTV/Roku/Apple TV. But if you can live with the short comings, it is worth a look at 1/3 the price of these devices.

Smart TVs and DVD/Blu Ray Players: Most of these are FINE for occasional use but not nearly as pleasant to use daily like separate boxes. Normally you pay $150-$400+ extra for features that are found in these $100 boxes. I have not found a smart tv that is decent and is also a good value for what you are getting. The advantage is that you can use your TV/DVD remote to access the content. (and that is about it!) Smart TVs are getting better but still lack the combination of quick hardware and vast content that stand alone boxes give you.

HTPC: These are desktop computers or Mac Minis or Android Sticks that you load software on to stream video to your TV. These can add content that no normal streaming box can access, without giving up quality but they are only recommended for something comfortable with technology that doesn't mind fixing the issues that come up from time to time.

Video Game Consoles: Xbox/Playstations can access some of the content that streaming boxes do and have plenty of power to deliver the streams. The downside is the cost (unless you already have one) and the interfaces. These consoles are not designed to stream video exclusively so the interfaces are decent but can be clunky.

(You can use other options but frankly they aren't worth the hassle for the amount of hair pulling you would do.)

Amazon's Fire TV box


+ 4K support for under $100. Nuff said.

+ Alexia new voice assistant. Ask her the time or the weather or who the 4th president was.

+ Works in hotels! Yep they have built-in support for connecting to those hard to connect to wifi systems that need you to agree and/or type a code or password. It doesn't work on all systems but I have used it 7 times (out of 9) successfully--even in Canada. This is such a bonus!

+ 128gb microSD card support. With the fun games and apps, you need more space so this is very helpful.

+ Active support. New features are added almost monthly. I wish some minor things were tweaked but pleased that it is actively being worked on.

+ Nothing else is this fast. While Roku 3 impressed the world, this raises the bar dramatically. With a quad core processor and 4 times the memory of any other streaming product, it speeds through menus, boots quicker, starts videos quicker and honestly has the muscle to not struggle with higher end resolutions and surround sound like other boxes can do at times. The best way I can explain it, you will have extra hours at the end of the year because this box is THAT much faster.

+ Voice search is amazing. It really works. Not having to use a four directional keypad to enter in titles is a real time saver and makes you wonder why this wasn't done before but it is only for Amazon content, Hulu, HBO GO, Crackle, Showtime, Starz and VEVO (music videos) for now. You can not use the voice search with Netflix for example. While Roku's new box added voice search and Apple's future box is going to have it as well, Amazon still leads the pack--adding in the Alexia (lite) functions as well.

+ Ready for gaming, well at least once you spend another $40. The $40 gaming package feels a like a good deal with an controller, 32gb microSD card and two games. This box has real games you would actually want to play instead of a VERY limited selection on Roku 3 but it is not a "REAL" console at $100 and honestly shouldn't be compared to them.

+ Better image quality? I know you are thinking I am imagining things or have changed my setup but both myself and my wife have noticed that generally (in different apps) the video is slightly sharper and clearer. We are using the exact same tv, settings, even the same HDMI cable that we used with the Roku 3 until we switched it for the Fire TV box. We have noticed that especially on poor quality feeds that the image quality is noticeably better than under the same feeds with Roku 3. Now I don't know if there is better graphic chips or if the bigger processor can do more tweaking while streaming but it seems to be something. As image quality is a huge deal for most folks (and normally us streamers have to suffer with "decent" quality) this is certainly worth noting. So far we have noticed this under Netflix, VEVO and Plex.

+MULTITASKING: What multitasking you ask? Since you haven't seen this advertised or mentioned elsewhere, I can understand your confusion but try this: Load a Pandora stream or start Amazon music...then click on the HOME button and browse for movies/tv you want to watch. As long as you are in the Amazon content or Plex or Netflix, you can browse WHILE Pandora continues playing. You use the play/pause button to control it and the skips to skip a song or go back one.


- It still lacks soul. Yes, soul. The Fire TV box and remote are built like a dvd player or appliance--cold, fast, efficient. Unlike Roku 3 where the box seems to have a bit of the personally of TiVo--it feels warmer, more inviting. Everything about this box is business like, including the interface and the lack of options to change it. Alexia is working to change that but very slightly.

- The interface is more than merely "cold". It is simply less flashy/pretty than the Roku 3 interface. While fast, I am less tempted to wander around like I do on Roku 3. It seems like they are being pretty dependent on the voice search function which is great but it leaves you missing out on the random items you find along the way with the Roku 3 interface.

- The voice search only works for select content and not most 3rd party channels like Netflix.

- The remote is not ready for gaming use, compared to the Roku 3 remote with gaming buttons when you turn the remote sideways and more sensors for detecting movements/motion.

- Still missing some channels. There is no M-Go, CBS All Access and no Vudu.


If you do not have any streaming box yet, I would HIGHLY recommend getting a Fire TV product over every other product on the market right now. I don't make this endorsement lightly. I currently own 3 Roku 3 boxes because I liked them so much, until I used the older Fire TV box. This box means Roku will have to really work on improving their product for Roku 4 or they will lose the high end market. We now are almost exclusively a Fire TV family with these in our main house TVs as well as my office TV. I would recommend this updated box but due to my remote control issue, I say that you wait until they have that matter resolved. So right now I would purchase a Fire TV stick if you can not wait.

I do not personally recommend the current Apple TV as it way too slow and lacks too many features and content. We will have to see what their new box delivers but we already know it won't best the Fire TV boxes in much based on released information.

If you are on a budget and have an Android based tablet, consider Chromecast. It is a good value for the price but you do give up features and content to save on the cost compared to Roku 3 & Fire TV.

Hopefully this review has been helpful to you. If so, please let me know by clicking the button below. Remember you don't have to agree with everything I said to think it was helpful! ;)
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