Sangwon Yoon

Sangwon Yoon


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An explainer of the terms of release for 1,027 detainees in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

Published On 16 Oct 2011
Palestinian prisoner release

Activists start open-ended hunger strike in support of prisoners in Israel fasting against “worsening jail conditions”.

Published On 10 Oct 2011
Palestinian prisoner hunger strike Gaza

South Korea blames the North for cyber attacks while questions remain over how such an IT powerhouse was left vulnerable

Published On 24 Jun 2011
North Korea cyber warfare feature

Amnesty International says Ivory Coast authorities have been holding at least 50 people without charge for two months.

Published On 22 Jun 2011
Ivory Coast Amnesty International

A former hacker and a hacking tutor say North is bolstering cyberwarfare units to battle international IT powerhouses.

Published On 20 Jun 2011
North Korea cyber warfare feature

South Korea confirms it held a secret meeting with the North last month but denies having ‘begged’ for summits.

Published On 2 Jun 2011
North Korea

Key change in narrative of bin Laden’s death sparks suspicion over possible legal violations.

Published On 5 May 2011
Osama bin Laden legal