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Submit to The Advocate

Thank you for your interest in contributing to The Advocate Voices section. We welcome submissions from individuals around the world who wish to share their authentic stories within the LGBTQ+ community. Please review the following guidelines to ensure a smooth submission process:


  • Submissions are open to individuals at least 18 years of age or older from within the LGBTQ+ and Allied communities. We encourage diverse perspectives, experiences, and voices from across the globe.
    • What kinds of submissions are we looking for?
      • Personal written/visual essays: Written and/or visual narratives exploring personal journeys, challenges, triumphs, and reflections.
      • Opinion pieces: Call to action, taking a position on a variety of current and trending topics and issues.
    • Submission format: Essays and opinion pieces should be submitted as a written document (Word or Google Doc, preferably), 800-1,500 words. All content must include at least one headshot of the author, and can include up to four (4) additional photos as part of the submission.
    • Visual format: All content must include at least one headshot of the author and can include up to twenty (20) additional photos as part of the submission.
      • Headshots should be a minimum of 800px wide by any height, all other images should be a minimum of 1500px wide by any height, and all should be cropped/finished by the individual supplying them.
      • All file names should include the title of the work and image credit.
      • We prefer a link to an organized folder from g-drive, dropbox, or wetransfer. If this is not an option, we will work with you on the file transfer.

Some additional guidelines:

  • Submissions must be original works created by the contributor and not infringe on the rights of any third party. If your story has been previously published or shared, please disclose this information during the submission process.
  • Respect the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community and ensure that your submission reflects an inclusive perspective.
  • By submitting, Contributors retain the rights to their work but grant equalpride a non-exclusive license to showcase and distribute the content as part of the Voices series.
  • Contributions to Voices are on a voluntary basis and are not compensated.
  • The date and time of published essays, unless otherwise noted, is at the discretion of's editors.

How to submit:

  • Submit inquiries to [email protected], including a brief bio and contact information. Include a short summary or description of your piece.
  • Submissions will be reviewed by the editorial team for authenticity, diversity, and alignment with the series' objectives. Selected contributors will be contacted for further details, including collaboration and submission deadlines.

We look forward to receiving your unique and inspiring stories. Thank you for being a part of Voices and helping us build a tapestry of LGBTQ+ narratives that resonate globally.

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