Yahoo Identity Solutions


An integrated, omnichannel approach to identity

Yahoo Identity Solutions enable publishers to better monetize their supply across addressable and non-addressable users for the ID-constrained world.

Yahoo ConnectID

Persistent identity built on real relationships

With 314M logged-in users globally Yahoo ConnectID uses Yahoo first-party data to create known audiences.1 From search to shopping receipts, we see more than 200B cross-screen user intent signals every day. Our direct consumer relationships across owned and operated sites like Yahoo News, Yahoo Sports and Yahoo Finance allow us to build comprehensive identity-based user profiles.

1Yahoo Internal Data, Q1 2024

Next-Gen Solutions

An AI approach to audience targeting and monetization

No logged-in users? No problem. Next-Gen Solutions is an AI-based suite of end-to-end audience creation and monetization products for non-addressable digital environments, where device or user ID aren’t available. We leverage Yahoo’s 1P data, and machine learning to create valuable audiences at scale in a privacy-centric way. 

Our solutions work together to maximize ad relevance and audience's monetization cross channels.

Yahoo Identity Solutions drive supply monetization

Integrated approach

One-stop shop for solutions for both addressable and non-addressable.‍

First-party data

Consented user data and deep consumer insights from the depth and breadth of Yahoo O&O fuel Yahoo Identity Solutions.‍

Privacy and security first

Being a publisher, we recognize the importance of data security and consumer privacy. Your data is safe with us.

Our publisher partners

We have 28,000+ domains live through our current publisher partners, with more joining every day.1

Mediavine Logo
Engadget Logo

1 Yahoo Internal Data, 2023

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