Villagers fight to preserve a rare piece of untouched forest in Solomon Islands

A wide shot of the the Zaria coastline, showing sea and forest.

The untouched forest and coastline are home to 200 people and at least three species of vulnerable animals. (Supplied: Dr Tyrone Lavery)

In Solomon Islands, a small community is taking a rare stand against the logging operations that have run rampant across much of the country.

The people of Zaira have been working for a decade to have their homeland on the southern side of Vangunu island declared a protected area that is off limits to logging and mining.

It's a unique piece of untouched forest and coastline home to 200 people and at least three species of vulnerable animals.

Community leader Hanz Jino said his people had seen the impact logging had had on other communities and they did not want it repeated at Zaira.

"The rivers and streams and seas are all polluted and the companies are operating for just one year, three years, five years and [then they leave]," he said.

A close shot of the the Zaira coastline, showing waves and forest.

The Zaira people have managed the land their way for generations. (Supplied: Dr Tyrone Lavery)

"The people are in so much trouble. We have seen it with our own eyes."

Mr Jino said his people had managed the land their way for generations.

"We are so dependent on the natural resources in the sea, the forest, for our continuous sustainment," he said.

"The food that we need … comes from the rivers, streams, forests, lagoons and our beautiful island."

'Never seen anything like what I saw at Zaira'

Leatherback turtle laying eggs on the beach in Zaria.

Dr Lavery says the coastline is an important rookery for vulnerable leatherback turtles. (Suppled: Dr Tyrone Lavery)

The effort to have Zaira declared a protected area has involved extensive research to document the biological and cultural significance of the land.

One of the people who contributed to that effort is Australian National University biologist Dr Tyrone Lavery.

"I first went to Zaira in 2010 and it was just a transformative experience for me," he said.

"I'd never seen anything like what I saw at Zaira, the forest that's there, the people and their relationship with the forest."

An illustration of the Vangunu giant rat.

An illustration of the Vangunu giant rat. (Supplied: Velizar Simeonovski)

Dr Lavery says the coastline is also an important rookery for vulnerable leatherback turtles.

Its untouched forests are home to two rare mammals found only in this part of Solomon Islands; the New Georgia monkey-faced bat and the Vangunu giant rat, which Dr Lavery documented for the first time in 2017.

"As far as we know that only occurs on Vangunu and also it appears as though it only appears in the primary forest, so it's really dependent on the bush at Zaira that hasn't been logged yet," he said.

Another researcher who's helped Zaira's conservation push is environmental scientist Dr Simon Albert from the University of Queensland.

An image of the New Georgia monkey-faced bat.

The New Georgia monkey-faced bat. (Supplied: Dr Tyrone Lavery)

He said it was hard to overstate the area's importance.

"Zaira is literally the last remaining piece of marine and forest environment that starts at 500 metres below the ocean, across the coral reef ecosystem to the coast and all the way up to 1,000 metres," he said.

"We've got an intact corridor of biodiversity that is unlike anything else that exists in the western Solomons."

In limbo and under threat

But the push for protected area status remains in limbo, with the ministries of forestry and mining yet to approve the application.

Now there's a more immediate threat, after the provincial government awarded timber rights in Zaira to a logging company last month.

Mr Jino warned that any logging company looking to fell trees in Zaira, with or without official permission, better be prepared for a fight.

"Our people had their say," he said.

A freshly hatched leatherback turtle laying on a hand.

A freshly hatched leatherback turtle. (Suppled: Dr Simon Albert )

"They will die for their land."

He said the awarding of timber rights against the wishes of locals showed logging companies were getting preferential treatment.

"That's where our question comes in: does the state protect its people?"

"Our answer is that we are disadvantaged."

Dr Albert has worked extensively in the Solomons and he shares Mr Jino's sentiment.

"We've got a governance system that is really designed to enable extractive industries, to enable logging companies to extract the timber resources," he said.

"So for communities like Zaira it's incredibly difficult to essentially swim upstream against that."

The ABC has approached the Director of Mines, Nicholas Biliki, and the Permanent Secretary of the Forestry Ministry Dr Vaeno Vigulu for comment.