AAVSO in the Press


 Hot off the presses! 




July 17, 2024

Filling in the Blanks: Amateur Astronomers provide crucial data about a mysterious kind of stellar binary (Sky & Telescope, September 2024, page 58) - How a researcher at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley used AAVSO data to document an AM CVn star during its outburst in “unprecedented detail.”


June 10, 2024

Hubble Finds Surprises Around a Star That Erupted 40 Years Ago (NASA Hubble Mission Team) - Astronomers are collaborating with AAVSO observers to monitor HM Sge.


June 7, 2024

Keep Your Eyes On The Sky For A ‘New’ Star, Say Experts (Forbes).


May 1, 2024

Perseus: A Nice Place to Look for Variable Stars (Amateur Astronomy Magazine) - Featuring AAVSO finder charts and light curves


March 25, 2024

A Dead Star Will Soon Spark a Once-in-a-Lifetime Display in Earth’s Skies (Scientific American) - AAVSO executive director Brian Kloppenborg reflects on T CrB's impact on AAVSO observations


March 13, 2024

Is Betelgeuse Fading Again? (Sky & Telescope) - AAVSO finder chart and light curve featured


March 1, 2024

Remote Imaging of Under-Observed Variable Stars (Reflector, March 2024) - AAVSO light curves featured


February 29, 2024

A Nova in the Making: Will T Coronae Borealis Pop in 2024? (Universe Today) - T CrB light curve and Brad Schaefer's webinar are included in this short article


February 1, 2023

Rarity in Space Provides Insights to Evolution - AAVSO staff astronomer Bert Pablo plays important role




 On AAVSO programs




AAVSO’s Annual Spectroscopy Workshop Broadens the Horizons of Citizen Science


AAVSO anuncia un nuevo recurso para los futuros entusiastas de la ciencia en la Comunidad Hispana

AAVSO Celebrates a New Resource for Future Astronomy Enthusiasts in the Hispanic Community



 On AAVSO Partnerships 




AAVSO Exoplanet Database Supports NASA’s Exoplanet Watch Program  - Jan. 13, 2022


Unistellar's Citizen Astronomy Community Partners with Worldwide Astronomy Organization for Exoplanet Science


Join Exoplanet Exploration: Citizens Help NASA Observe Other Worlds with Exoplanet Watch!


AAVSO Selected to Participate in Harvard Business School Association of Boston’s Community Action Partners Program


On Use of AAVSO Data





On AAVSO Databases




Increase Astronomical Discoveries by Storing Your Spectroscopic Observations with AVSpec 


Data Milestone Achieved in AAVSO’s Variable Star Repository, VSX


 On AAVSO People 




Introducing AAVSO's New Executive Director, Dr. Brian Kloppenborg


Happy 110th Birthday to the AAVSO!


Welcoming Steve Shore at the AAVSO Spectroscopy Observing Section!


AAVSO Contributors Honored, 2020


Journal of the AAVSO May Be Innovative Experience with New Editor, Nancy Morrison


Publications Featuring AAVSO and AAVSO Observers




Nature: "A supernova could light up the Milky Way at any time. Astronomers will be watching" Davide Castelvecchi

The Zoe Report:"The Best Stargazing Travel Destinations For Outdoor Enthusiasts" Nicole Kliest, 

Newsweek.com: "Homeless Amateur Astronomer on 'Joy' of Discovering Distant Supernova" Robert Lea, Mar. 15, 2022


     "Northern Lights: 17 Best Places To See Them In 2021" Laura Begley Bloom

Sky & Telescope Magazine

     "Deciphering the Mystery of RW Aurigae" (August 2021 print issue) Kerry Hensley 

     "First discoveries of a pro-am exoplanet survey" Steve Murray 

     "The 2020 Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award Goes to Dennis Conti" Diana Hannikainen

     "Amateur Planet Hunters Have a New Online Resource" Christopher Crockett

     "Pro-am Conjunction" (January 2021 print installment) Diana Hannikainen 

Astronomy Magazine

     "Celebrating a Century of Variable Star Astronomy" (September 2021 print issue) Stella Kafka

Phys.org: "Data milestone achieved in variable star repository"

SpaceRef: "Join Exoplanet Exploration: Citizens Help NASA Observe Other Worlds with Exoplanet Watch!"

Newsbreak: "Join Exoplanet Exploration: Citizens Help NASA Observe Other Worlds with Exoplanet Watch!"

Knowledgespeak.com: "Prof. Nancy Morrison named new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers"

New Zealand Online News


   About AAVSO



The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) is an international nonprofit organization of citizen scientists and professional astronomers working together to increase the knowledge of the universe through variable star photometry and spectroscopy, and exoplanet observations. AAVSO's mission is to enable anyone, anywhere, to participate in scientific discovery through variable star astronomy. Visit us: www.aavso.org.


   Press contact



Tim Lyster, Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

+1 (617) 354-0484 x 100

185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 410, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA