
Szwed is a Polish language family name. It corresponds to Russian Shved and Lithuanian Švedas. In all these languages the word means "Swede".

The surname may refer to:

  • John Szwed (born 1936), Professor of Music and Jazz Studies, Columbia University
  • Aleksandra Szwed (born 1990), Polish actress and singer
  • Zuzanna Szwed (born 1977), Polish competitive figure skater
  • Dariusz Szwed (born 1967), Polish politician
  • Karolina Szwed-Orneborg
  • Stanisław Szwed
  • Rafał Szwed
  • Birth surname of Loretta Swit
  • Podcasts:


    Love Is Like Oxygen

    by: Sweet

    Love is like oxygen
    You get too much you get too high
    Not enough and you're gonna die
    Love gets you high
    Love is like oxygen
    . . .
    Time on my side
    I got it all
    I've heard that pride
    Always comes before a fall
    There's a rumour goin' round the town
    That you don't want me around
    I can't shake off my city blues
    Every way I turn I lose
    Love is like oxygen
    . . .
    Love is like oxygen
    . . .
    Time is no healer
    If you're not there
    Lonely fever
    Sad words in the air
    Some things are better left unsaid
    I'm gonna spend my days in bed
    I'll walk the streets at night
    To be hidden by the city lights
    City lights
    Love is like oxygen
    . . .
    Love is like oxygen
