Gautam Brahmins
Gautam (written in Devanāgarī script as गौतम) Brahmins are those Hindu Brahmins, who affiliate either with Gautam gotra and/or with Gautam Dharmasūtra.
The full affiliation of a Brahmin consists of (1) Gotra, (2) Pravara, (3) Sūtra, and (4) Śākhā.
The gotra of a Brahmin denotes all those who trace descent from a common ṛṣi ancestor.Pāṇini defines gotra as the progeny of a ṛṣi. The Baudhāyana Śrautasūtra enumerates that the initial chief gotras (or root gotras) are founded on the name of the following eight ṛṣis –
Vaśiśṭha, and
Over a period of time all other Brahmin gotras evolved from one of the above gotras. The Āśvalāyana Śrautasūtra mentions that the initial chief gotras are again divided into divisional gotras (i.e., ganas), then into sub-divisional gotras (i.e., pakshas) and finally into individual gotras.
Pravara is defined as the group of sages that distinguishes the founder (starter) of one individual gotra from another. Pravara is the number of the most illustrious ṛṣis, who belonged to that particular individual gotra. The pravara starts with the name of the chief gotra and ends with the name of the founder of the individual gotra. Generally, the pravara identifies the connection of a person with two, three or sometimes five most illustrious ṛṣis making up a group in an individual gotra. According to the Āśvalāyana Śrautasūtra, the pravaras were instituted on the name of the following ṛṣis –
Āngira (Embracing Gautam and Bharadwāja),
Vaśiśṭha, and