A block party or street party is a crowded party in which many members of a single community congregate, either to observe an event of some importance or simply for mutual enjoyment. The name comes from the form of the party, which often involves closing an entire city block to vehicle traffic. Many times, there will be a celebration in the form of playing music and dance and activities like pony rides, inflatable slides, pop corn machines and BBQs. Block parties gained popularity in the United States during the 1970s, particularly within the hip hop community. Block parties were often held outdoors and power for the DJ's sound system was taken illegally from street lights, as referenced in the song "South Bronx" by KRS-One.
Block parties are reported as a World War I innovation originating from the East Side of New York City, where an entire block was roped off and patriotic songs sung and a parade held to honor the members of that block who had gone off to war. Traditionally, many inner city block parties were actually held illegally, because they did not file for an event permit from the local authorities. However, police turned a blind eye to them.
It’s just a kiss with the force of a fist
and I just wanted your heart to know
our love is leaving you pistol whipped
and our heat kicks your teeth down your throat.
Maybe it's the end, baby, it’s the end.
Maybe it's the end of pretend.
The end of pretend.
The end.
Maybe it's the end, baby, it’s the end.
Maybe it's the end of pretend.
The end of pretend.
This is the end. (x4)
It's the end of pretend.
End baby, it's
It’s just a kiss with the force of a fist
and I just wanted your heart to know
our love is leaving you pistol whipped
and our heat kicks your teeth down your throat.
Maybe its the end, baby, it’s the end.
Maybe its the end of pretend.
The end of pretend.
The end.
Maybe it's the end, baby, it’s the end.
Maybe it's the end.
This is the end.
The end of pretend.
End baby (x4)
Maybe it's the end, baby
The end of pretend.
End of pretend. (x2)
Maybe it's the end, baby, it’s the end.
Maybe it's the end of pretend.
The end of pretend.
Maybe it's the end, baby, it’s the end.
Maybe it's the end, baby.