The Barbary Coast, or Berber Coast, was the term used by Europeans from the 16th until the 19th century to refer to much of the collective land of the Berber people. Today, the term Greater Maghreb or simply "Maghreb" corresponds roughly to "Barbary". The term "Barbary Coast" emphasizes the Berber coastal regions and cities throughout the middle and western coastal regions of North Africa – what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. The English term "Barbary" (and its European varieties: Barbaria, Berbérie, etc.) referred mainly to the entire Berber lands including non-coastal regions, deep into the continent, as seen in European geographical and political maps published during the 17–20th centuries.
The name is derived from the Berber people of north Africa. In the West, the name commonly evoked the Barbary pirates and Barbary Slave Traders based on that coast, who attacked ships and coastal settlements in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic and captured and traded slaves or goods from Europe, America and sub-Saharan Africa which finally provoked the Barbary Wars. The slaves and goods were being traded and sold throughout the Ottoman Empire or to the Europeans themselves.
Barbary is a 1986 science fiction novel written by Vonda McIntyre about an orphan and her cat moving to a space station. It is considered one of the best science fiction stories of the decade for children and young adults.
Barbary, a twelve-year-old girl, is an orphan who has lived in several group homes and foster families since the death of her mother. The novel opens with her waiting in a spaceport for a seat on a shuttle to Earth orbit, which will be the first step on a journey to the research space station Einstein, where she is to live with her new foster father, Yoshi, a poet and college friend of her mother's. Unfortunately, she has two difficulties: the shuttle is filled with dignitaries from Earth travelling to the station, so it's unlikely she will get a seat, and she is trying to smuggle her cat, Mickey, into space with her (pets are forbidden on the station).
Barbary gets a seat on the shuttle with the help of the station's new administrator, a famous African-American woman astronaut, who tells her the reason so many VIPs are on the shuttle: an alien spacecraft has entered the solar system. It is not responding to communications or making any transmissions, nor is it making any powered maneuvers, but its course will bring it close to Einstein.
cada dia que pasa es mas dificil olvidad, y es muy cierto lo que dices que una cosa es querer y otra es amar.
por que an pasado mas de dos años y todo me parece igual, por que cada dia me tengo mas que enamorar.
como se puede olvidar a una persona que en mi corazon siempre esta, como se puede olvidad a una persona que en tu vida habita y no te quiere soltar.
por que no te puedo olvidar? si yo vivi contigo mil momentos de felicidad y no por eso te puedo dejar.
que puedo hacer para que te des cuenta de una vez que sin ti mi vida a sido tan cruel.
en mi corazon hay heridas que no sanan llenas de dolor y en cada palpitar dicen tu nombre sin control.
se repite coro
por que no te puedo olvidar?...