List of numbered streets in Manhattan

This article covers numbered east-west streets in Manhattan, New York City. Major streets have their own linked articles; minor streets are discussed here. The streets do not run exactly east–west, because the grid plan is aligned with the Hudson River rather than with the cardinal directions. "West" is approximately 29 degrees north of true west.

The numbered streets carry crosstown traffic. In general, even-numbered streets are one-way eastbound and odd-numbered streets are one-way west. Several exceptions reverse this. Most wider streets carry two-way traffic, as do a few of the narrow ones.

Streets' names change from West to East (for instance, East 10th Street to West 10th Street) at Broadway below 8th Street, and at Fifth Avenue from 8th Street and above.

Although the numbered streets begin just north of East Houston Street in the East Village, they generally do not extend west into Greenwich Village, which already had streets when the grid plan was laid out by the Commissioners' Plan of 1811. Streets that do continue farther west change direction before reaching the Hudson River. The grid covers the length of the island from 14th Street north. 13th Street would be the southernmost numbered street to span the entire width of Manhattan without changing direction, but it is interrupted by Jackson Square Park.

87th Street (Metra station)

87th Street is the penultimate stop on the South Chicago Branch of the Metra Electric Line in the South Side of Chicago. The station is located at 87th Street, two block East of Commercial Avenue, and is 12.51 miles (20.13 km) away from the northern terminus, Millennium Station. In Metra's zone-based fare system, 87th Street is in zone B.

Though Metra gives the address for the station as being at 87th Street east of Commercial Avenue, it is actually closer to South Baltimore Avenue. The tracks run along the east side of a one-lane alley behind South Baltimore Avenue, which spans only from 86th Street to 87th Street.

West of this station is another Metra Electric station along 87th Street known as 87th Street (Woodruff) along the Main Branch. Parking is available at this station, but only street-side along 87th Street, on the south side between Houston and Burley Avenues, and on the north side between the tracks and Baltimore Avenue.

Bus connections


  • #87 87th Street
  • Podcasts:


    66th Street

    by: Atmosphere

    Hi, can I help you?
    I think it was a Sunday, sometime in January
    I could be wrong and I guess it isn't necessary
    But I remember that the ground was made of snow
    And if you went outside, you better take your coat
    I must have been nineteen years old
    I had a cashier job at a convenience store
    Working the counter making minimum doe
    Selling discount smokes to the neighbourhood folk
    I didn't pay much thought to his ski mask
    It's Minnesota man, your face will freeze fast
    But I bet that I looked sorta dumb
    When I first caught sight of his bright orange gun
    There I am, adrenaline high and
    Tryin to decide how I feel about his right hand
    Is that a goddamn? Wait a minute
    It is a flare gun and guess where he's aiming it
    You probably ain't here to win the lottery
    So you obviously gotta be robbin me
    He nodded his head so opened up the till
    And grabbed a paper bag for the money cause I know the drill
    I handed him the cash and the food stamps
    He just stood there looking all confused and
    I'm thinking 'Yo, why the fuck ain't he movin?'
    C'mon crazy white boy, don't do somethin stupid
    That bag is worth maybe two-thirty
    Not enough for you to pull the trigger back and burn me
    By now you should be down the street
    Ain't you never seen the way they do this shit on TV?
    Yeah it was fun but it's done, now get out
    'Ah, do you want me lay down on the ground and start countin crops?'
    Before the ski way even started noddin
    I was already on that, one one-thousand, two one-thousand
    The front door beeped, I heard him leave
    So I called my boss and the Richfield police
    Gotta close the shop and lock the doors
    Cause some trailer trash just robbed the store
    Everybody acted so suspicious
    I guess the flare gun story seemed fictitious
    Are you accusing me of petty embezzlement?
    Don't you see my left over adrenaline?
    Bosses and cops can't be my friend
    Never felt loyalty to either again
    And to keep it real, the irony didn't set
    Until a year later when I got fired for stealing cigarettes

    Latest News for: 87th street

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    They will also consider changing the speed limit from 87th Street to County Road West from 50 mph to 35 mph and to add a four-way stop on Heather and Claymoor.

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    A man who allegedly stole a police car and a U.S. Postal Service truck that he crashed in Bridgeview is in custody ... near 87th Street, Hanania said ... Police are investigating ....

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    According to the Ector County Sheriff’s Office, the second victim in Tuesday’s attack on 87th Street was stabbed multiple times while trying, in vain, to save her son ... 87th Street around 9 a.m.

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    Volunteers with Bridgeport’s Progressive Baptist Church and Pullman’s Salem Baptist Church pass out free cartons of eggs in a parking lot off 87th Street near the Dan Ryan Expressway on the South Side, Saturday, March 15, 2025.

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