Wiki Loves Competitions in Slovakia

Tool Labs – Tools for Wiki Loves Photo Competitions

Wiki Loves Earth

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2023 448 56 (12%) 18 8 (44%)
2024 172 16 (9%) 12 6 (50%)

Wiki Loves Folklore

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2024 32 0 (0%) 1 0 (0%)

Wiki Loves Monuments

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2013 2718 967 (35%) 76 48 (63%)
2014 1692 718 (42%) 72 46 (63%)
2015 1373 662 (48%) 29 16 (55%)
2016 960 547 (56%) 39 20 (51%)
2017 1094 589 (53%) 38 23 (60%)
2019 1053 398 (37%) 40 14 (35%)
2020 1061 345 (32%) 19 4 (21%)

Wiki Science Competition

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2015 56 13 (23%) 8 6 (75%)

Made with Flask
The source of this tool is available under GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPL V3).