Wiki Loves Competitions in Chile

Tool Labs – Tools for Wiki Loves Photo Competitions

Wiki Loves Earth

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2018 1057 137 (12%) 166 150 (90%)
2019 1142 195 (17%) 98 83 (84%)

Wiki Loves Folklore

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2024 5 1 (20%) 3 2 (66%)

Wiki Loves Monuments

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2012 4031 885 (21%) 323 266 (82%)
2013 4027 609 (15%) 154 130 (84%)

Wiki Science Competition

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2017 71 17 (23%) 28 26 (92%)

Made with Flask
The source of this tool is available under GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPL V3).