Wiki Loves Competitions in Bulgaria

Tool Labs – Tools for Wiki Loves Photo Competitions

Wiki Loves Earth

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2015 1602 269 (16%) 118 99 (83%)
2016 2140 502 (23%) 112 83 (74%)
2017 1040 159 (15%) 80 59 (73%)
2019 574 50 (8%) 65 53 (81%)

Wiki Loves Folklore

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2024 57 0 (0%) 8 7 (87%)

Wiki Loves Monuments

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2015 1720 272 (15%) 100 77 (77%)
2016 912 194 (21%) 70 44 (62%)
2017 1024 117 (11%) 50 35 (70%)

Wiki Science Competition

Year Uploads Images used
in the wikis
Uploaders Uploaders registered
after competition start
2015 62 4 (6%) 17 16 (94%)
2017 91 15 (16%) 21 19 (90%)

Made with Flask
The source of this tool is available under GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPL V3).