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雲の海、人の海 は、甘雨の伝説任務、仙麟の章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、第一章・第三幕『迫る客星』をクリアし、冒険ランク40に到達している必要がある。
Arriving at Yujing Terrace, the Traveler and Paimon find Ningguang's three secretaries, Baixiao, Baishi and Baiwen. The three ask if they have seen Ganyu, as she has not reported back in the past few days and that the tasks she left behind has to be attended to. The work she does has overwhelmed the three, as they are far more than what they are normally used to. They believe she is at Jueyun Karst and ask the Traveler to find Ganyu for them.
The Traveler and Paimon catch up to Ganyu, who believes that her qilin blood makes her unwelcome in Liyue and that she has been replaced. The conversation is interrupted by the Cloud Retainer, who tells the Traveler and Paimon about Ganyu's childhood in an attempt to relieve the awkward tension, but it only makes Ganyu leaves in embarrassment. The Cloud Retainer explains Ganyu's past to them and that it has set up a trial for her near Mt. Aocang on her request.
Arriving at the mountains, Ganyu completes the Cloud Retainer's challenge, showcasing her adepti skills. After completing the challenge, they meet with Xiao at Nantianmen. The Yaksha is slightly annoyed with her tardiness, but notes that her half-human and adepti heritage is causing inner conflict. His trial involves having Ganyu defend a Ley Line monolith from various wildlife, which she successfully completes.
The Yaksha tells her that only she can determine her own effort and prepares to increase the difficulty of her training, just as he spots someone coming towards them. Now completely annoyed, he tells her to deal with the human before leaving. The person, Xin Cheng, is a pilgrim seeking the adepti's blessing for good fortune. Believing the three are adepti, he asks what blessings they can give him. Ganyu tells him that she is the only adepti and the Traveler are Paimon are accompanying her. She does not give him a blessing, stating that he needs to put in the effort himself. Xin storms off, believing that Ganyu is useless as she refuses to bless him. With the pilgrim gone, Ganyu becomes saddened as it confirms her identity conflict. The Traveler persuades her to return to the harbor, which she reluctantly agrees to, stating that if it is not up to her expectations, she will return to Jueyun.
Taking a stroll across the harbor, they meet Uncle Tian, who is actually the Tianshu of the Liyue Qixing. Tian states that he is enjoying his life as-is without his escort, which made him feel uncomfortable. Tian then tells her that his daughter, Huixin, appears to be troubled by something and asks if she can assist, which Ganyu accepts as Huixin is her junior.
Meeting up with Huixin, she is delighted to see Ganyu, albeit upset that her father had sent her to help out. She tells them that while doing some tax audits, she found two stores, Second Life and Wanyou Boutique, possess irregularities in their tax reports, but cannot get any clues from the owners. Believing they are driven by greed, Ganyu decides that the best course of action is to have the two expose each other, as they are both rival companies.
They decide to start with Bolai. He believes that they are about to place an order when Ganyu tells him that the store's credit is not enough to directly accept orders from Yuehai, and that they are better off going to Second Life instead. Bolai becomes angered at this and demands to see Second Life's tax report. Looking through the report, he notes that his rival, Dongsheng, had bought a piece of furniture from Fanmu Carpenters but did not disclose it in the report.
Believing Fanmu Carpenters might have the invoice they need, Huixin returns to the pavilion, while Ganyu and the Traveler head to Qingce Village, meeting up with Master Lu. He tells them that he did indeed get an order from Dongsheng, but the invoices are kept in a warehouse that has been occupied by some "troublemakers", asking them to clear them out. Before they leave, Ganyu spots a Cryogunner Legionnare in the fields below, believing the Fatui are the troublemakers Lu was referring to.
The two proceed to attack the skirmisher, who manages to hold them off briefly before he is defeated. Ganyu begins questioning him as to why he is lurking around the village. Although initially hesitant, he eventually confesses that he heard reports of fresh berries in the area, catching the two completely by surprise. He further defends himself by stating that the village is not even a place of interest for the Fatui and that he came alone. Ganyu then realizes her intuition was off and apologizes, telling him he can file a complaint with the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The skirmisher realizes that his complaint would be ignored due to the Fatui's reputation in Liyue hitting rock bottom as a result of Childe releasing Osial, so he is forced to let the incident slide as he returns to picking berries.
Arriving at the warehouse, they find that the troublemakers are actually a group of Hilichurls and clear them out, retrieving the invoice in the process. They then return to Huixin. With all the evidence needed, the four confront Dongsheng about the tax evasion. Dongsheng eventually confesses, and also learns from them that Bolai was the one who had tipped them off. Angered that his rival had dragged him down, Dongsheng decides to take Bolai with him too and tells them about his "dirty laundry", allowing Huixin to seal the case. Huixin thanks Ganyu for her help, who tells her that it was how Tian had managed to retain his position and hoped she had shared his cunning. Huixin admits that she has much to learn from him and offers them a meal at Xinyue Kiosk to show her gratitude to the three.
Inside, Huixin states that she has looked up to Ganyu her entire life, and that her daughter has also followed in her footsteps as a secretary. This causes Ganyu to realize that there are people who care about her and she resolves to continue working with the Qixing, returning to the terrace to relieve Ningguang's secretaries of her work. The three are taking a brief moment of respite when Ganyu arrives. She thanks them for their work and tells them to organize the documents for her. Before resuming her work, Ganyu thanks the Traveler and Paimon for accompanying her, as their companionship allowed her to overcome her inner conflict. She expresses a desire to travel with them once more in the future, but Paimon questions her as to when she could do so as she is always swamped by work.
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 雲の海、人の海 Kumo no Umi, Hito no Umi | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
中国語 (簡体字) | 云之海,人之海 Yún zhī Hǎi, Rén zhī Hǎi | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
中国語 (繁体字) | 雲之海,人之海 Yún zhī Hǎi, Rén zhī Hǎi | |
英語 | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People | — |
韓国語 | 구름의 바다, 인간의 바다 Gureum-ui Bada, Ingan-ui Bada | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
スペイン語 | Mar de nubes, mar de humanos | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
フランス語 | Mer de nuages, mer d'hommes | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
ロシア語 | Море облаков, море людей More oblakov, more lyudey | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
タイ語 | ทะเลแห่งเมฆหมอกและมนุษย์ | Sea of Clouds, Fog, and Humans |
ベトナム語 | Biển Mây Rừng Người | Sea of Clouds, Forest of People |
ドイツ語 | Wolkenmeer und Menschenmeer | Sea of Clouds and Sea of People |
インドネシア語 | Lautan Awan, Lautan Manusia | Sea of Clouds, Sea of People |
ポルトガル語 | Mar de Nuvens, Mar de Pessoas | |
トルコ語 | Bulut Denizi, İnsan Denizi | |
イタリア語 | Mare di Nubi, mare di gente |
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