Show EOL distros: 

navigation_experimental: assisted_teleop | goal_passer | pose_base_controller | pose_follower | sbpl_lattice_planner | sbpl_recovery | twist_recovery

Package Summary

A node that provides the move_base action server interface, but instead of planning simply drives towards the target pose using a control-based approach.

navigation_experimental: assisted_teleop | goal_passer | pose_base_controller | pose_follower | sbpl_lattice_planner | sbpl_recovery | twist_recovery

Package Summary

A node that provides the move_base action server interface, but instead of planning simply drives towards the target pose using a control-based approach.

navigation_experimental: assisted_teleop | goal_passer | pose_base_controller | pose_follower | sbpl_lattice_planner | sbpl_recovery | twist_recovery

Package Summary

A node that provides the move_base action server interface, but instead of planning simply drives towards the target pose using a control-based approach.

navigation_experimental: assisted_teleop | goal_passer | pose_base_controller | pose_follower | sbpl_lattice_planner | sbpl_recovery | twist_recovery

Package Summary

A node that provides the move_base action server interface, but instead of planning simply drives towards the target pose using a control-based approach.

navigation_experimental: assisted_teleop | goal_passer | pose_base_controller | pose_follower | sbpl_lattice_planner | sbpl_recovery | twist_recovery

Package Summary

A node that provides the move_base action server interface, but instead of planning simply drives towards the target pose using a control-based approach.


Wiki: pose_base_controller (last edited 2018-09-03 09:34:13 by MartinGuenther)