Purpose Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly widespread, and cybersecurity is therefore increas... more Purpose Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly widespread, and cybersecurity is therefore increasingly important. Although the technological aspects of cybersecurity are its best-known characteristics, the cybersecurity phenomenon goes beyond the detection of technological impacts, and encompasses all the dimensions of an organization. This study thus focusses on an additional set of organizational elements. The key elements of cybersecurity organizational readiness depicted here are cybersecurity awareness, cybersecurity culture and cybersecurity organizational resilience (OR). This study aims to qualitatively assess small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) overall level of organizational cybersecurity readiness. Design/methodology/approach This study focused on conducting a cybersecurity organizational readiness assessment using a sample of 53 Italian SMEs from the information and communication technology sector. Informed mixed method research, this study was conducted consistent with...
Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our soci... more Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our societies in a wide range of different fields: AI devices are currently employed to assist judges, physicians, and soldiers, among others, with complex intellectual tasks. As technology advances, not just the assistance to but the substitution of human beings with AI systems will be considered. In the present chapter, we investigate this issue by considering a specific case-study which is particularly relevant from an IR perspective: Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), namely AI military robots which allegedly would not require human intervention in order to perform a military action. After an overall examination of the scholarly debate on AWS and a brief insight on the main technological questions involved, we will look at the practice of AWS development and possible deployment by States and at the ongoing international negotiations considering their regulation or total prohibition.
XVII Convegno SISP 12 -14 SETTEMBRE 2013 SEZIONE 8. RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI 8.8. Intelligence e ... more XVII Convegno SISP 12 -14 SETTEMBRE 2013 SEZIONE 8. RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI 8.8. Intelligence e Globalizzazione: Il caso italiano (II) 8.8.4. Guerra dal cyberspazio. La difesa delle reti infrastrutturali critiche dalla minaccia cibernetica In fase di pubblicazione
Technology and International Relations. The New Frontier in Global Power, 2021
Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our soci... more Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our societies in a wide range of different fields: AI devices are currently employed to assist judges, physicians, and soldiers, among others, with complex intellectual tasks. As technology advances, not just the assistance to but the substitution of human beings with AI systems will be considered. In the present chapter, we investigate this issue by considering a specific case-study which is particularly relevant from an IR perspective: Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), namely AI military robots which allegedly would not require human intervention in order to perform a military action. After an overall examination of the scholarly debate on AWS and a brief insight on the main technological questions involved, we will look at the practice of AWS development and possible deployment by States and at the ongoing international negotiations considering their regulation or total prohibition.
The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational... more The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enhanced the human interactions and have contributed to “reinvent” classical concepts such as political participation, political debate, decision-making. However, their all-encom- passing, ubiquitous nature and their growing use for political and military purposes poses significant risks to international peace, stability and security. The low barrier of access to ICT capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyberspace environment with regard to traditional legal definitions of borders have presented new challenges to States (the main actors of international relations) such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber-attacks. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of parties to attribute cyber-attacks and incidents “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to build trust and political rapport in cyberspace. The purpose of this research is to analyze how cyberspace affects the international politics. The nature of the topic dictates the use of qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources such as official reports, declarations and policy documents, and academic analysis, in order to understand effects and dynamics carried out by the cyber domain on classical concepts such as war, peace and international relations. The main idea of this research is that the development of Information and Communication Technolo- gies (ICTs) and the related (r)evolution of warfare have produced relevant effects on the dynamics of the contemporary international system highlighting, at the same time, how the militarization of the cyber domain has posed consequences on interna- tional security, peace and stability. However, the lack of specific research related to “cyberspace’s effects on international politics” highlights the need to devote more attention on this topic bearing in mind that, more extensive and enduring analysis on cyberspace’s dynamics might allowed policy makers the opportunity to improve awareness related to cyber threats in order to governing challenges emerging from the digital sphere.
Today, it is an incontrovertible fact that the battle eld has become virtual, just like the abili... more Today, it is an incontrovertible fact that the battle eld has become virtual, just like the ability of cyber weapons to bring about real damage. The very actors in the eld, even though their roles are well de ned, are not the classic protagonists of international relations. The clearly de ned cyber arena encompasses a number of stakeholders that are no longer just states, but also non-state actors, multinational companies, terrorists, individuals. All these stakeholders are confronting each other in the cyber arena without a regulatory framework. The low barrier of access to Information Communications Technologies (ICT) capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyber environment with regard, for instance, to traditional legal de nitions of national borders, have presented new challenges to states, such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber- attacks or to well de ne red lines in deterrence terms. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of states (and non-states) actors to attribute cyber-attacks “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to engage a meaningful dialogue based on mutual trust and transparency in order to avoid con ict in cyberspace. Moreover, alarming indicators show a) how the number of cyber incidents threatening the security and safety of states and citizens is dramatically increasing and b) the growing number of cases in which nation-state actors are involved in these malicious cyber events. In other words, the current situation highlights, clearly, the ongoing di culties to adopt e ective countermeasures in order to manage cyber threats at international level, and at the same time, shows how states "have clearly tried to treat the symptoms of the malady rather than its causes".
The main aim of this research is to analyze the existing convergence between cyberspace and finan... more The main aim of this research is to analyze the existing convergence between cyberspace and financial war
Fragile, corrupt and ineffective National Health Systems in authoritarian regimes deserve greate... more Fragile, corrupt and ineffective National Health Systems in authoritarian regimes deserve greater attention by the Intelligence Community.
Il panel “Intelligence ed evoluzione della minaccia terroristica” affronterà la problematica con ... more Il panel “Intelligence ed evoluzione della minaccia terroristica” affronterà la problematica con l'approccio empirico e interdisciplinare, confrontando dati, indicatori, teorie  e case studies. La call for papers sarà, infatti, rivolta a studiosi ed esperti del settore, nonché a tecnici, in modo da integrare gli approcci accademici con l'aspetto operativo ed esperienze pratiche, in una trattazione olistica non meramente teorica. Si invita a trattare temi quali: geopolitica e geostrategia dei gruppi terroristici; l'evoluzione della minaccia terroristica dall'11 settembre alla morte di Osama Bin Laden; la minaccia terroristica ai giorni nostri; l'evoluzione di nuovi gruppi terroristici e delle modalità di reclutamento di esecutori e “martiri”; l’analisi comparata fra Al Qaeda e Daesh (Ad dawla al islamiya fi 'Iraq wa Shem); l'evoluzione delle strategie del terrore; la relazione tra minaccia terroristica ed instabilità economico-sociale; la relazione tra terrorismo e spazio cibernetico; l’importanza di un approccio globale alla sicurezza che tenga conto anche delle minacce provenienti dallo spazio cibernetico; le possibili misure di contrasto al terrorismo, con particolare riferimento al ruolo dell'intelligence; la cyber-intelligence; le tecniche di previsione, , così come lo studio dei foreign fighters e dei “lupi solitari"
Cyberspace has changed the nature of interactions among individuals, States and non-State actors.... more Cyberspace has changed the nature of interactions among individuals, States and non-State actors. In addition, it has affected identities, behaviors, financial and social activities. The classical relationship between State (based on Westfalian Rules) has been replaced by an “placelessness” domain. Indeed, in this “manmade and artificial global domain”, boundaries between public or private, civil or military are eroded. On the one hand, cyberspace increases transparency, expands the public sphere, generates human capital and creates opportunities for collective actions. On the other hand, cyberspace increases the risks of military escalation. “Cyber tools” also have controversial dimensions: is impossible to reach the responsibility and to achieve the attribution. Moreover, cyber power, through interdependence and interconnection, could give the opportunity, for single actor or States to produce, with a single event, “pathogenic” effects on the entire international system. In light of that, this research will try to answer if cyberspace could affect International Arena, if the game theory it is applicable for cyber power and cyber arena, and finally if is possible to forecast an international governance for cyberspace to preserve international order.
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti dei Panel intelligence, globalizzazione e interesse nazionale svolti... more Il volume raccoglie gli Atti dei Panel intelligence, globalizzazione e interesse nazionale svoltisi nei convegni 2013 e 2014 della Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP). È ormai opinione comune che solo la diffusione della cultura dell’intelligence può consentire di superare le vecchie diffidenze nei confronti dei servizi d’informazione, e che in un sistema democratico l’intelligence ha bisogno della collabora- zione e delle competenze della società civile e dell’ambiente accade- mico. L’opera mette a confronto argomenti e punti di vista di addet- ti ai lavori, esponenti delle professioni e docenti universitari. I temi trattati riguardano l’esame del quadro geopolitico internazionale, le minacce alle infrastrutture critiche, l’intelligence economica, lo spio- naggio economico e finanziario, l’organizzazione dei servizi di sicu- rezza, la cyber intelligence, i social media, i pericoli della moneta vir- tuale e la crescente rilevanza dello spazio cibernetico.
La crescente rilevanza delle currencies digitali nella geoeconomia del XXI secolo è confermata an... more La crescente rilevanza delle currencies digitali nella geoeconomia del XXI secolo è confermata anche dall’ultima Relazione presentata al Parlamento italiano e redatta dal Sistema di informazione per la sicurezza della Repubblica. I Servizi di intelligence italiani legano a doppio filo la moneta virtuale alle minacce cyber, così come alle dinamiche economiche-finanziarie, prevedendo nello specifico che: “nato con l’obiettivo di stabilire una circolazione monetaria indipendente da Governi e banche centrali, il bitcoin consente la movimentazione a livello internazionale in modo rapido, anonimo e pressoché gratuito di somme di danaro anche consistenti”. La moneta virtuale e ancor di più il sistema su cui poggia, detengono una duplice caratteristica: benefici per la collettività (abbattimento dei costi di transazioni economiche e finanziarie) e rischi alla sicurezza nazionale (dal riciclaggio alla semplice evasione fiscale, dal traffico illecito fino alle transazioni ad opera di gruppi criminali transnazionali). L’effetto sistemico generato dalla stessa presenza della moneta virtuale e l’elevato “rischio rapina”, nel lungo periodo, potrebbero inficiare la stabilità del sistema economico e finanziario internazionale. La nostra ricerca si propone di integrare due piani accademici apparentemente in dicotomia (gli studi di ingegneria informatica con l’analisi delle scienze sociali) ma ad oggi indispensabili per comprendere le minacce asimmetriche che poggiano sempre di più sull’utilizzo di tecnologie informatiche ICT. In particolare lo studio si focalizzerà sull’attività di mining che costituisce la vera novità sostanziale del sistema bitcoin. Le domande di fondo saranno le seguenti: quali conseguenze comporta l’utilizzo di questa valuta? Chi la gestisce e a quanto ammonta il volume delle transazioni finanziarie? È veramente garantito l’anonimato? È possibile “scardinare” il sistema? Quali sono le innovazioni utili per i consumers del sistema di transazioni? Che ruolo hanno i Servizi di intelligence nell’azione informativa per contrastare le attività criminali perpetrate attraverso l’utilizzo della moneta virtuale? Nell’ultima parte del nostro lavoro ci proponiamo di tracciare alcuni possibili scenari futuri, tenuto conto dei punti di forza e delle criticità emerse dall’utilizzo di questa nuova moneta e, soprattutto, alla luce del rivoluzionario sistema informatico sul quale poggiano le transazioni effettuate con la moneta virtuale.
Purpose Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly widespread, and cybersecurity is therefore increas... more Purpose Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly widespread, and cybersecurity is therefore increasingly important. Although the technological aspects of cybersecurity are its best-known characteristics, the cybersecurity phenomenon goes beyond the detection of technological impacts, and encompasses all the dimensions of an organization. This study thus focusses on an additional set of organizational elements. The key elements of cybersecurity organizational readiness depicted here are cybersecurity awareness, cybersecurity culture and cybersecurity organizational resilience (OR). This study aims to qualitatively assess small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) overall level of organizational cybersecurity readiness. Design/methodology/approach This study focused on conducting a cybersecurity organizational readiness assessment using a sample of 53 Italian SMEs from the information and communication technology sector. Informed mixed method research, this study was conducted consistent with...
Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our soci... more Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our societies in a wide range of different fields: AI devices are currently employed to assist judges, physicians, and soldiers, among others, with complex intellectual tasks. As technology advances, not just the assistance to but the substitution of human beings with AI systems will be considered. In the present chapter, we investigate this issue by considering a specific case-study which is particularly relevant from an IR perspective: Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), namely AI military robots which allegedly would not require human intervention in order to perform a military action. After an overall examination of the scholarly debate on AWS and a brief insight on the main technological questions involved, we will look at the practice of AWS development and possible deployment by States and at the ongoing international negotiations considering their regulation or total prohibition.
XVII Convegno SISP 12 -14 SETTEMBRE 2013 SEZIONE 8. RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI 8.8. Intelligence e ... more XVII Convegno SISP 12 -14 SETTEMBRE 2013 SEZIONE 8. RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI 8.8. Intelligence e Globalizzazione: Il caso italiano (II) 8.8.4. Guerra dal cyberspazio. La difesa delle reti infrastrutturali critiche dalla minaccia cibernetica In fase di pubblicazione
Technology and International Relations. The New Frontier in Global Power, 2021
Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our soci... more Particularly in the most recent decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our societies in a wide range of different fields: AI devices are currently employed to assist judges, physicians, and soldiers, among others, with complex intellectual tasks. As technology advances, not just the assistance to but the substitution of human beings with AI systems will be considered. In the present chapter, we investigate this issue by considering a specific case-study which is particularly relevant from an IR perspective: Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS), namely AI military robots which allegedly would not require human intervention in order to perform a military action. After an overall examination of the scholarly debate on AWS and a brief insight on the main technological questions involved, we will look at the practice of AWS development and possible deployment by States and at the ongoing international negotiations considering their regulation or total prohibition.
The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational... more The Fifth Dimension of Conflictuality: The Rise of Cyberspace and Its Effects on In- ternational Politics Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enhanced the human interactions and have contributed to “reinvent” classical concepts such as political participation, political debate, decision-making. However, their all-encom- passing, ubiquitous nature and their growing use for political and military purposes poses significant risks to international peace, stability and security. The low barrier of access to ICT capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyberspace environment with regard to traditional legal definitions of borders have presented new challenges to States (the main actors of international relations) such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber-attacks. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of parties to attribute cyber-attacks and incidents “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to build trust and political rapport in cyberspace. The purpose of this research is to analyze how cyberspace affects the international politics. The nature of the topic dictates the use of qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources such as official reports, declarations and policy documents, and academic analysis, in order to understand effects and dynamics carried out by the cyber domain on classical concepts such as war, peace and international relations. The main idea of this research is that the development of Information and Communication Technolo- gies (ICTs) and the related (r)evolution of warfare have produced relevant effects on the dynamics of the contemporary international system highlighting, at the same time, how the militarization of the cyber domain has posed consequences on interna- tional security, peace and stability. However, the lack of specific research related to “cyberspace’s effects on international politics” highlights the need to devote more attention on this topic bearing in mind that, more extensive and enduring analysis on cyberspace’s dynamics might allowed policy makers the opportunity to improve awareness related to cyber threats in order to governing challenges emerging from the digital sphere.
Today, it is an incontrovertible fact that the battle eld has become virtual, just like the abili... more Today, it is an incontrovertible fact that the battle eld has become virtual, just like the ability of cyber weapons to bring about real damage. The very actors in the eld, even though their roles are well de ned, are not the classic protagonists of international relations. The clearly de ned cyber arena encompasses a number of stakeholders that are no longer just states, but also non-state actors, multinational companies, terrorists, individuals. All these stakeholders are confronting each other in the cyber arena without a regulatory framework. The low barrier of access to Information Communications Technologies (ICT) capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyber environment with regard, for instance, to traditional legal de nitions of national borders, have presented new challenges to states, such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber- attacks or to well de ne red lines in deterrence terms. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of states (and non-states) actors to attribute cyber-attacks “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to engage a meaningful dialogue based on mutual trust and transparency in order to avoid con ict in cyberspace. Moreover, alarming indicators show a) how the number of cyber incidents threatening the security and safety of states and citizens is dramatically increasing and b) the growing number of cases in which nation-state actors are involved in these malicious cyber events. In other words, the current situation highlights, clearly, the ongoing di culties to adopt e ective countermeasures in order to manage cyber threats at international level, and at the same time, shows how states "have clearly tried to treat the symptoms of the malady rather than its causes".
The main aim of this research is to analyze the existing convergence between cyberspace and finan... more The main aim of this research is to analyze the existing convergence between cyberspace and financial war
Fragile, corrupt and ineffective National Health Systems in authoritarian regimes deserve greate... more Fragile, corrupt and ineffective National Health Systems in authoritarian regimes deserve greater attention by the Intelligence Community.
Il panel “Intelligence ed evoluzione della minaccia terroristica” affronterà la problematica con ... more Il panel “Intelligence ed evoluzione della minaccia terroristica” affronterà la problematica con l'approccio empirico e interdisciplinare, confrontando dati, indicatori, teorie  e case studies. La call for papers sarà, infatti, rivolta a studiosi ed esperti del settore, nonché a tecnici, in modo da integrare gli approcci accademici con l'aspetto operativo ed esperienze pratiche, in una trattazione olistica non meramente teorica. Si invita a trattare temi quali: geopolitica e geostrategia dei gruppi terroristici; l'evoluzione della minaccia terroristica dall'11 settembre alla morte di Osama Bin Laden; la minaccia terroristica ai giorni nostri; l'evoluzione di nuovi gruppi terroristici e delle modalità di reclutamento di esecutori e “martiri”; l’analisi comparata fra Al Qaeda e Daesh (Ad dawla al islamiya fi 'Iraq wa Shem); l'evoluzione delle strategie del terrore; la relazione tra minaccia terroristica ed instabilità economico-sociale; la relazione tra terrorismo e spazio cibernetico; l’importanza di un approccio globale alla sicurezza che tenga conto anche delle minacce provenienti dallo spazio cibernetico; le possibili misure di contrasto al terrorismo, con particolare riferimento al ruolo dell'intelligence; la cyber-intelligence; le tecniche di previsione, , così come lo studio dei foreign fighters e dei “lupi solitari"
Cyberspace has changed the nature of interactions among individuals, States and non-State actors.... more Cyberspace has changed the nature of interactions among individuals, States and non-State actors. In addition, it has affected identities, behaviors, financial and social activities. The classical relationship between State (based on Westfalian Rules) has been replaced by an “placelessness” domain. Indeed, in this “manmade and artificial global domain”, boundaries between public or private, civil or military are eroded. On the one hand, cyberspace increases transparency, expands the public sphere, generates human capital and creates opportunities for collective actions. On the other hand, cyberspace increases the risks of military escalation. “Cyber tools” also have controversial dimensions: is impossible to reach the responsibility and to achieve the attribution. Moreover, cyber power, through interdependence and interconnection, could give the opportunity, for single actor or States to produce, with a single event, “pathogenic” effects on the entire international system. In light of that, this research will try to answer if cyberspace could affect International Arena, if the game theory it is applicable for cyber power and cyber arena, and finally if is possible to forecast an international governance for cyberspace to preserve international order.
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti dei Panel intelligence, globalizzazione e interesse nazionale svolti... more Il volume raccoglie gli Atti dei Panel intelligence, globalizzazione e interesse nazionale svoltisi nei convegni 2013 e 2014 della Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP). È ormai opinione comune che solo la diffusione della cultura dell’intelligence può consentire di superare le vecchie diffidenze nei confronti dei servizi d’informazione, e che in un sistema democratico l’intelligence ha bisogno della collabora- zione e delle competenze della società civile e dell’ambiente accade- mico. L’opera mette a confronto argomenti e punti di vista di addet- ti ai lavori, esponenti delle professioni e docenti universitari. I temi trattati riguardano l’esame del quadro geopolitico internazionale, le minacce alle infrastrutture critiche, l’intelligence economica, lo spio- naggio economico e finanziario, l’organizzazione dei servizi di sicu- rezza, la cyber intelligence, i social media, i pericoli della moneta vir- tuale e la crescente rilevanza dello spazio cibernetico.
La crescente rilevanza delle currencies digitali nella geoeconomia del XXI secolo è confermata an... more La crescente rilevanza delle currencies digitali nella geoeconomia del XXI secolo è confermata anche dall’ultima Relazione presentata al Parlamento italiano e redatta dal Sistema di informazione per la sicurezza della Repubblica. I Servizi di intelligence italiani legano a doppio filo la moneta virtuale alle minacce cyber, così come alle dinamiche economiche-finanziarie, prevedendo nello specifico che: “nato con l’obiettivo di stabilire una circolazione monetaria indipendente da Governi e banche centrali, il bitcoin consente la movimentazione a livello internazionale in modo rapido, anonimo e pressoché gratuito di somme di danaro anche consistenti”. La moneta virtuale e ancor di più il sistema su cui poggia, detengono una duplice caratteristica: benefici per la collettività (abbattimento dei costi di transazioni economiche e finanziarie) e rischi alla sicurezza nazionale (dal riciclaggio alla semplice evasione fiscale, dal traffico illecito fino alle transazioni ad opera di gruppi criminali transnazionali). L’effetto sistemico generato dalla stessa presenza della moneta virtuale e l’elevato “rischio rapina”, nel lungo periodo, potrebbero inficiare la stabilità del sistema economico e finanziario internazionale. La nostra ricerca si propone di integrare due piani accademici apparentemente in dicotomia (gli studi di ingegneria informatica con l’analisi delle scienze sociali) ma ad oggi indispensabili per comprendere le minacce asimmetriche che poggiano sempre di più sull’utilizzo di tecnologie informatiche ICT. In particolare lo studio si focalizzerà sull’attività di mining che costituisce la vera novità sostanziale del sistema bitcoin. Le domande di fondo saranno le seguenti: quali conseguenze comporta l’utilizzo di questa valuta? Chi la gestisce e a quanto ammonta il volume delle transazioni finanziarie? È veramente garantito l’anonimato? È possibile “scardinare” il sistema? Quali sono le innovazioni utili per i consumers del sistema di transazioni? Che ruolo hanno i Servizi di intelligence nell’azione informativa per contrastare le attività criminali perpetrate attraverso l’utilizzo della moneta virtuale? Nell’ultima parte del nostro lavoro ci proponiamo di tracciare alcuni possibili scenari futuri, tenuto conto dei punti di forza e delle criticità emerse dall’utilizzo di questa nuova moneta e, soprattutto, alla luce del rivoluzionario sistema informatico sul quale poggiano le transazioni effettuate con la moneta virtuale.
Papers by Luigi Martino
Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enhanced the human interactions and have contributed to “reinvent” classical concepts such as political participation, political debate, decision-making. However, their all-encom- passing, ubiquitous nature and their growing use for political and military purposes poses significant risks to international peace, stability and security. The low barrier of access to ICT capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyberspace environment with regard to traditional legal definitions of borders have presented new challenges to States (the main actors of international relations) such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber-attacks. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of parties to attribute cyber-attacks and incidents “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to build trust and political rapport in cyberspace. The purpose of this research is to analyze how cyberspace affects the international politics. The nature of the topic dictates the use of qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources such as official reports, declarations and policy documents, and academic analysis, in order to understand effects and dynamics carried out by the cyber domain on classical concepts such as war, peace and international relations. The main idea of this research is that the development of Information and Communication Technolo- gies (ICTs) and the related (r)evolution of warfare have produced relevant effects on the dynamics of the contemporary international system highlighting, at the same time, how the militarization of the cyber domain has posed consequences on interna- tional security, peace and stability. However, the lack of specific research related to “cyberspace’s effects on international politics” highlights the need to devote more attention on this topic bearing in mind that, more extensive and enduring analysis on cyberspace’s dynamics might allowed policy makers the opportunity to improve
awareness related to cyber threats in order to governing challenges emerging from the digital sphere.
The low barrier of access to Information Communications Technologies (ICT) capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyber environment with regard, for instance, to traditional legal de nitions of national borders, have presented new challenges to states, such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber- attacks or to well de ne red lines in deterrence terms.
It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of states (and non-states) actors to attribute cyber-attacks “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to engage a meaningful dialogue based on mutual trust and transparency in order to avoid con ict in cyberspace. Moreover, alarming indicators show a) how the number of cyber incidents threatening the security and safety of states and citizens is dramatically increasing and b) the growing number of cases in which nation-state actors are involved in these malicious cyber events. In other words, the current situation highlights, clearly, the ongoing di culties to adopt e ective countermeasures in order to manage cyber threats at international level, and at the same time, shows how states "have clearly tried to treat the symptoms of the malady rather than its causes".

e case studies. La call for papers sarà, infatti, rivolta a studiosi ed esperti del settore, nonché a tecnici, in modo da integrare gli approcci accademici con l'aspetto operativo ed esperienze pratiche, in una trattazione olistica non meramente teorica. Si invita a trattare temi quali: geopolitica e geostrategia dei gruppi terroristici; l'evoluzione della minaccia terroristica dall'11 settembre alla morte di Osama Bin Laden; la minaccia terroristica ai giorni nostri; l'evoluzione di nuovi gruppi terroristici e delle modalità di reclutamento di esecutori e “martiri”; l’analisi comparata fra Al Qaeda e Daesh (Ad dawla al islamiya fi 'Iraq wa Shem); l'evoluzione delle strategie del terrore; la relazione tra minaccia terroristica ed instabilità economico-sociale; la relazione tra terrorismo e spazio cibernetico; l’importanza di un approccio globale alla sicurezza che tenga conto anche delle minacce provenienti dallo spazio cibernetico; le possibili misure di contrasto al terrorismo, con particolare riferimento al ruolo dell'intelligence; la cyber-intelligence; le tecniche di previsione, , così come lo studio dei foreign fighters e dei “lupi solitari"
The classical relationship between State (based on Westfalian Rules) has been replaced by an “placelessness” domain. Indeed, in this “manmade and artificial global domain”, boundaries between public or private, civil or military are eroded. On the one hand, cyberspace increases transparency, expands the public sphere, generates human capital and creates opportunities for collective actions. On the other hand, cyberspace increases the risks of military escalation. “Cyber tools” also have controversial dimensions: is impossible to reach the responsibility and to achieve the attribution. Moreover, cyber power, through interdependence and interconnection, could give the opportunity, for single actor or States to produce, with a single event, “pathogenic” effects on the entire international system. In light of that, this research will try to answer if cyberspace could affect International Arena, if the game theory it is applicable for cyber power and cyber arena, and finally if is possible to forecast an international governance for cyberspace to preserve international order.
Cyberspace has become a crucial element for political, social, financial and individual activities. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have enhanced the human interactions and have contributed to “reinvent” classical concepts such as political participation, political debate, decision-making. However, their all-encom- passing, ubiquitous nature and their growing use for political and military purposes poses significant risks to international peace, stability and security. The low barrier of access to ICT capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyberspace environment with regard to traditional legal definitions of borders have presented new challenges to States (the main actors of international relations) such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber-attacks. It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of parties to attribute cyber-attacks and incidents “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to build trust and political rapport in cyberspace. The purpose of this research is to analyze how cyberspace affects the international politics. The nature of the topic dictates the use of qualitative analysis of primary and secondary sources such as official reports, declarations and policy documents, and academic analysis, in order to understand effects and dynamics carried out by the cyber domain on classical concepts such as war, peace and international relations. The main idea of this research is that the development of Information and Communication Technolo- gies (ICTs) and the related (r)evolution of warfare have produced relevant effects on the dynamics of the contemporary international system highlighting, at the same time, how the militarization of the cyber domain has posed consequences on interna- tional security, peace and stability. However, the lack of specific research related to “cyberspace’s effects on international politics” highlights the need to devote more attention on this topic bearing in mind that, more extensive and enduring analysis on cyberspace’s dynamics might allowed policy makers the opportunity to improve
awareness related to cyber threats in order to governing challenges emerging from the digital sphere.
The low barrier of access to Information Communications Technologies (ICT) capabilities, the speed of technological advances and the complexity of the cyber environment with regard, for instance, to traditional legal de nitions of national borders, have presented new challenges to states, such as the inherent complexity of accurately attributing cyber- attacks or to well de ne red lines in deterrence terms.
It is both this complexity and the frequent insistence of states (and non-states) actors to attribute cyber-attacks “beyond a reasonable doubt” that gives one the ability to deny responsibility and frustrate attempts to engage a meaningful dialogue based on mutual trust and transparency in order to avoid con ict in cyberspace. Moreover, alarming indicators show a) how the number of cyber incidents threatening the security and safety of states and citizens is dramatically increasing and b) the growing number of cases in which nation-state actors are involved in these malicious cyber events. In other words, the current situation highlights, clearly, the ongoing di culties to adopt e ective countermeasures in order to manage cyber threats at international level, and at the same time, shows how states "have clearly tried to treat the symptoms of the malady rather than its causes".

e case studies. La call for papers sarà, infatti, rivolta a studiosi ed esperti del settore, nonché a tecnici, in modo da integrare gli approcci accademici con l'aspetto operativo ed esperienze pratiche, in una trattazione olistica non meramente teorica. Si invita a trattare temi quali: geopolitica e geostrategia dei gruppi terroristici; l'evoluzione della minaccia terroristica dall'11 settembre alla morte di Osama Bin Laden; la minaccia terroristica ai giorni nostri; l'evoluzione di nuovi gruppi terroristici e delle modalità di reclutamento di esecutori e “martiri”; l’analisi comparata fra Al Qaeda e Daesh (Ad dawla al islamiya fi 'Iraq wa Shem); l'evoluzione delle strategie del terrore; la relazione tra minaccia terroristica ed instabilità economico-sociale; la relazione tra terrorismo e spazio cibernetico; l’importanza di un approccio globale alla sicurezza che tenga conto anche delle minacce provenienti dallo spazio cibernetico; le possibili misure di contrasto al terrorismo, con particolare riferimento al ruolo dell'intelligence; la cyber-intelligence; le tecniche di previsione, , così come lo studio dei foreign fighters e dei “lupi solitari"
The classical relationship between State (based on Westfalian Rules) has been replaced by an “placelessness” domain. Indeed, in this “manmade and artificial global domain”, boundaries between public or private, civil or military are eroded. On the one hand, cyberspace increases transparency, expands the public sphere, generates human capital and creates opportunities for collective actions. On the other hand, cyberspace increases the risks of military escalation. “Cyber tools” also have controversial dimensions: is impossible to reach the responsibility and to achieve the attribution. Moreover, cyber power, through interdependence and interconnection, could give the opportunity, for single actor or States to produce, with a single event, “pathogenic” effects on the entire international system. In light of that, this research will try to answer if cyberspace could affect International Arena, if the game theory it is applicable for cyber power and cyber arena, and finally if is possible to forecast an international governance for cyberspace to preserve international order.