Keep your important items together in style! It's easy when you rock this Black Imitation Leather Crossbody Handbag. This black handbag has a leather-like texture and a zipper pouch. There are two smaller zippered pouches, one on the outside and one on the inside. Plus, the adjustable fabric strap has a leopard print pattern! This classic purse is sure to go with your favorite outfits. Details: 	 Length: 9 1/2" 	 Width: 10 3/4" 	 Thickness: 3" 	 Strap Drop Length: 15 1/2" Trendy Black Bag Strap For On-the-go, Edgy Black Shoulder Bag With Mobile Phone Holder, Edgy Black Shoulder Bag With Phone Pocket, Edgy Black Shoulder Bag With Adjustable Strap, Black Bags With Zipper Closure For Concerts, Black Faux Leather Shoulder Bag For On-the-go, Black Faux Leather Bag With Adjustable Strap, Edgy Faux Leather Shoulder Bag With Zipper Closure, Edgy Faux Leather Shoulder Bag With Zipper