My rose bouquet consists of two larger roses, three medium roses and five buds. Five faceted rubies sparkle in the open flowers. Small transparent green enameled leaves surround the bouquet. The ring band appears to be wrapped from the rose stems. I modeled this unique piece in wax and had it cast in recycled 925 silver (lost shape). The rose bouquet has a ring width of 56 and can be brought to a width of 57. The bouquet of roses, which never withers, is delivered in a nice black jewelry box. Wedding Jewelry With Roses In Sterling Silver, Wedding Jewelry In Sterling Silver With Roses, Sterling Silver Rose Flower Jewelry, Rose Red Roses Wedding Jewelry, Rose Red Roses Jewelry For Weddings, Rose Jewelry With 3d Flowers For Gift, Elegant Sterling Silver Rings With Roses, Rose Red Wedding Jewelry With Roses, Rose Red Jewelry With Roses For Wedding