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Case Studies

Case Studies

μDOSE System for Hazard Indices Estimation

μDOSE System for Hazard Indices Estimation A recent publication by Rocznik et al. (2023) demonstrated the μDOSE’s capability in accurately estimating various hazard indices (HI), including activity concentration index, radium equivalent activity, representative level index, absorbed and annual gamma dose rates, gamma effective indices, and both external and internal radiation hazard indices. This research highlights the new possibilities offered by the μDOSE system, particularly in measuring HI in small samples of just 3.00 grams. The estimation of HI was based on α and β particles, as well as decay pairs of 220Rn/216Po, 219Rn/215Po, 212Bi/212Po, and 214Bi/214Po. This method provided correlated…

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μRate Try μRate free dose rate calculator for trapped charge dating It takes into account all corrections described in the literature, allows storing results, recalculating…

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µDose performance report

µDose performance report In order to determine the µDose System performance precisely, the results obtained with µDose measurements were compared with other, well-established methods of…

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