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Korunma durumu
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1)
Biyolojik sınıflandırma Bu sınıflandırmayı düzenle
Âlem: Plantae
Şube: Tracheophyta
Sınıf: Magnoliopsida
Takım: Lamiales
Familya: Bignoniaceae
(R.Br.) Royle ex Lindl., 1838

Bignoniaceae, Lamiales takımına bağlı bir bitki familyasıdır.[1][2][3]


Bignoniaceae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2024):

  1. Adenocalymma - Mart.
  2. Amphicome - (R.Br.) Royle ex Lindl., 1838
  3. Amphilophium - Kunth
  4. Amphitecna - Miers
  5. Anemopaegma - Mart. ex Meisn.
  6. Aplolophium - Cham., 1832
  7. Argylia - D.Don
  8. Astianthus - D.Don
  9. Bignonia - L.
  10. Bignoniaceaespermum - A.Straus, 1969
  11. Bignoniaecarpum - Andreanszky, 1955
  12. Bignonicapsula - E.W.Berry, 1930
  13. Bignoniophyllum - Ettingshausen, 1870
  14. Bignoniphyllum - Velenovsky, 1889
  15. Bignonites - Saporta, 1861
  16. Bignonoides - E.W.Berry, 1923
  17. Callichlamys - Miq.
  18. Campsidium - Seem.
  19. Campsis - Lour.
  20. Capsulocarpus - E.W.Berry, 1939
  21. Catalpa - Scop.
  22. Catophractes - D.Don
  23. Chilopsis - D.Don
  24. Cleosma - Urb. & Ekman ex Sandwith, 1962
  25. Colea - Bojer
  26. Crecentia
  27. Crescentia - L.
  28. Cuspidaria - DC.
  29. Cybistax - Mart. ex Meisn.
  30. Daniella
  31. Darmstadtia - Collinson et al., 2012
  32. Delostoma - D.Don
  33. Deplanchea - Vieill.
  34. Digomphia - Benth.
  35. Dinklageodoxa - Heine & Sandwith
  36. Dipterospermum - Göppert, 1851
  37. Dolichandra - Cham.
  38. Dolichandrone - (Fenzl) Seem.
  39. Eccremocarpus - Ruiz & Pav.
  40. Ekmanianthe - Urb.
  41. Fernandoa - Welw. ex Seem.
  42. Fridericia - Mart.
  43. Glaziovia - Benth. & Hook.f., 1876
  44. Godmania - Hemsl.
  45. Hadongia - Gagnep., 1950
  46. Hanburyophyton - Corr.Mello
  47. Handroanthus - Mattos
  48. Heterophragma - DC.
  49. Hieris - Steenis
  50. Incarvillea - Juss.
  51. Jacaranda - Juss.
  52. Kigelia - DC.
  53. Lamiodendron - Steenis
  54. Leucocalanthe - Rodr.
  55. Lundia - DC.
  56. Manaosella - J.C.Gomes
  57. Mansoa - DC.
  58. Markhamia - Seem.
  59. Martinella - Baill.
  60. Millingtonia - L.f.
  61. Neosepicaea - Diels
  62. Newbouldia - Seem.
  63. Nycticalos -
  64. Nyctocalos - Teijsm. & Binn.
  65. Oroxylum - Vent.
  66. Osmohydrophora - Barb.Rodr.
  67. Pachyptera - DC. ex Meisn.
  68. Pajanelia - DC.
  69. Pandorea - Spach
  70. Paratecoma - Kuhlm.
  71. Parmentiera - DC.
  72. Pauldopia - Steenis
  73. Perianthomega - Bureau ex Baill.
  74. Perichlaena - Baill.
  75. Phryganocydia - Mart. ex Baill., 1888
  76. Phyllarthron - DC.
  77. Phylloctenium - Baill.
  78. Pithecoctenium - Mart. ex Meisn.
  79. Pleonotoma - Miers
  80. Podranea - Sprague
  81. Pyrostegia - C.Presl
  82. Radermachera - Zoll. & Moritzi
  83. Rhigozum - Burch.
  84. Rhodocolea - Baill.
  85. Romeroa - Dugand
  86. Roseodendron - Miranda
  87. Santisukia - Brummitt
  88. Sparattosperma - Mart. ex Meisn.
  89. Spathodea - Beauverd
  90. Spirotecoma - (Baill.) Dalla Torre & Harms
  91. Stereospermum - Cham.
  92. Stizophyllum - Miers
  93. Tabebuia - Gomes
  94. Tabebuia - Gomes ex DC.
  95. Tanaecium - Sw.
  96. Tecoma - Juss.
  97. Tecomanthe - Baill.
  98. Tecomaria - Spach
  99. Tecomella - Seem.
  100. Tourrettia - DC., 1845
  101. Tourrettia - Foug.
  102. Tynanthus - Miers
  103. Xylophragma - Sprague
  104. Zeyheria - Mart.

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar

  • Berry E. W. (1923) Miocene plants from Southern Mexico, Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum 62 2465
  • Mabberley D.J. (2000) The Plant-Book, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 858 p.
  • Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp
  • Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes.
  • Reveal, J. L. (2006). USDA - APHIS - Concordance of Family Names, 2006 version.
  • Gen. Pl.: 137. 4 Aug
  • Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. (2009). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 161(2): 105-121.
  • Aronsson, Mora (2004) Thomas Karlssons Kärlväxtlista
  • Juss. (1789). In: Gen. Pl.: 137, Nom. Cons.


  1. ^ "GBIF". 8 Aralık 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Aralık 2021. 
  2. ^ "Mindat". 9 Aralık 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Aralık 2021. 
  3. ^ "PaleoBioDB". 9 Aralık 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Aralık 2021. 

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