
292 Pins
🌾 ¿Qué es el amaranto? 🤔 Generalmente se considera al amaranto como un grano, pero por sus propiedades nutricionales se lo ha clasificado como un pseudo cereal. Descubre más sobre este superalimento.⁠ ⁠ 💪 Beneficios del Amaranto:⁠ 🌿 Alto contenido proteico⁠ 🍃 Rico en nutrientes⁠ 🌾 Fuente de fibra⁠ 🚫 Sin gluten⁠ ❤️ Apoyo cardiovascular⁠ ⁠ #Amaranto #Superalimento #NutriciónSaludable #SinGluten ⁠ #snacks #mexico #churritosdeamaranto #rapido #delidelideli #movienight #chips #veganos #betabel #ch...
A healthy & balanced diet - tiphandnutrition
This is a huge misconception for a lot of people, that healthy eating is boring, repetitive, and restrictive… A healthy and balanced diet is: 🥙 Eating enough to support your body so it can thrive. 🍎 Eating as much variety as possible - fruit, veg, grains, cereals, etc. It’s not about eating “perfectly”. 🍪 Not ‘restricting’ your favourite foods and eating them without guilt, fear or anxiety. Overall, try to make your diet as varied, colourful, and tasty as you can 🌈
Paperview design | Branding agency | Stationery, logo and print design | Corporate identity | Restaurant branding and Graphic Design
Social media design for interior design studio
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