fish tank

15 Pins
How to Set up an African Cichlid Tank: A Guide for Beginner Aquarists
Create an authentic natural environment for your fish.
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Photo #3 - After Umpteen Trips To Various Stores For Lightin...
After umpteen trips to various stores for lighting plants fish and such plus equally umpteen deliveries from Amazon for hardware test kits etc this is where I am right now with my new tank I wanted to create a possible scene from a lake bed in which the fish will have plenty of hiding places and hopefully feel at ease with their comfort being my first priority but I tried to balance that with a sort of purposely unkemptwild look to everything without looking like no thought was given to it w...
AQUAPROS (Mike) on Instagram: “Current-USA has some pretty sweet backlighting ...
Il colore dei guppy è molto bello.
Credit/Source: #guppy #fish #イカン #Acquario #Poisson #Vis #Mooi
The World’s Top 10 Best Themed Fish Tanks - Paperblog