Event agenda ideas

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Precis Festival: Program poster
Precis Digital wanted to create a physical experience format that could function as both an internal celebration of their +500 employees worldwide but also set them apart from other digital agencies positioning Precis as the agency to work for and with. Based on several workshops we created the longterm strategy and concept for the Precis Festival – their very own format, ensuring both celebration, branding and originality in an ocean full of festival formats. First edition was held in Stockholm with a total of around 1.000 guests. The 2023 edition will be held in Copenhagen. Booking, Concept, Creative Direction, Event Production, Strategy.
Conference Schedule Poster Template
Conference Schedule Poster Template. Customizable professional template for an event flyer. #FlyerTemplate #flyer #event #GraphicTemplate #design #PrintDesign #business #calendar #conference #congress #date #day #forum #invitation #list #meetup #month #movie #numbers #playbill #poster #print #promo #schedule #seminar #template #theater #time #timeline #timetable #timing
Find the best global talent.
Event poster template #event #poster #flyer #schedule #template #conference