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Articles on EEG

Displaying 1 - 20 of 34 articles

Electroconvulsive therapy involves inducing a controlled seizure under anesthesia. Inkoly/iStock via Getty Images Plus

How electroconvulsive therapy heals the brain − new insights into ECT, a stigmatized yet highly effective treatment for depression

Electroconvulsive therapy often evokes inaccurate images of seizing bodies and smoking ears. Better understanding of how it reduces depression symptoms can illuminate new ways to treat mental illness.
Just feeling that there’s someone out there she can count on can help a mom-to-be. d3sign/Moment via Getty Images

Pregnant women’s brains show troubling signs of stress – but feeling strong social support can break those patterns

Fetal brains are changing rapidly over the course of pregnancy, but so are the brains of mothers-to-be. Neuroscience research shows one way worry can start taking hold – and a simple way to help.
Even young children are very aware of whether they’re getting their fair share. Jupiterimages/ via Getty Images Plus

Selfish or selfless? Human nature means you’re both

Cognitive neuroscientists use brain imaging and behavioral economic games to investigate people’s sense of fairness. They find it’s common to take care of yourself before looking out for others.
Do you have a magnetic compass in your head? Lightspring/

New evidence for a human magnetic sense that lets your brain detect the Earth’s magnetic field

Your brain’s sensory talents go way beyond those traditional five senses. A team of geoscientists and neurobiologists explored how the human brain monitors and responds to magnetic fields.
Crying may not tell the whole story. Maesse Photography

The mystery of how babies experience pain

We no longer perform surgery on babies without drugs, but a new study shows that we may be underestimating how much pain babies feel when they are under stress.

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