Foreign air operations

All foreign air operators flying over Canadian airspace need a certificate to show that they meet our federal aviation regulations. Foreign operators that conduct international commercial air transport operations or NAFTA specialty air service operations to Canada require authorization from TCCA. They must also follow set procedures for specific operations in Canadian airspace or at aerodromes.

Certification and inspection

Apply for a Foreign Air Operator Certificate (FAOC)

Forms and applications

Service procedures

Regulations and standards

Advisory Circulars and Civil Aviation Safety Alerts

Contact us

Foreign Air Operator Certificates or Free Trade Agreement – Air Operator Certificates

Email: [email protected]
Fax: 613-949-4227

Overflights, technical landings, validation of foreign flight authorities and munitions of war requests

Email: [email protected]
Fax: 613-949-4227

For urgent requests related to overflights and technical landings outside regular business hours or on weekends and statutory holidays:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-877-992-6853