Best Cafe featuring Japanese sweets in Katsuragi City

Cafe featuring Japanese sweets in Katsuragi City

1Chujo Do Honpo

Taimadera Sta. / Japanese sweets, Sweets
  • ~JPY 999
  • ~JPY 999
  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.
  • Non smoking
  • Children welcome

2Sabo Futakami

Taimadera Sta. / Japanese sweets, Sweets, Japanese Cuisine



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  • ~JPY 999
  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.

3Sanroku Chaya

Kintetsu Shinjo Sta. / Cafeteria, Udon (Wheat noodles), Sweets



  • -
  • -
  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.
  • Smoking allowed