
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

A kért oldal jelenleg nem áll rendelkezésre az Ön nyelvén. Az oldal alján választhat másik nyelvet, vagy azonnal lefordíttathatja bármelyik oldalt egy tetszőleges nyelvre a Google Chrome beépített fordítói funkciójával.

Search Ads 360 overview

What's Search Ads 360?

Due to the war in Ukraine, we will pause ads containing content that exploits, dismisses, or condones the war.
As part of our recent suspension of ads in Russia, we will also pause ads on Google properties and networks globally for advertisers based in Russia.
Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, we will be temporarily pausing Google ads from serving to users located in Russia.
Effective immediately, due to an ongoing sensitive event (the war in Ukraine), we are pausing ads from and for Russian Federation state-funded media.

Search Ads 360 is a search management platform that helps agencies and marketers efficiently manage some of the largest search marketing campaigns in the world, across multiple engines and media channels. Streamlined workflow and powerful reporting features enable buyers to efficiently run campaigns, while automated bidding improves campaign performance. Built-in integration with the Google Marketing Platform allows buyers to manage and track digital campaigns across a single platform, enabling rich, cross-channel buying, reporting and attribution.

Without Search Ads 360, you'd need to manage your ads and keywords on each search engine, and it would be much more difficult to analyze your ad/keyword performance across engines. You also wouldn't have the automated bidding power of Search Ads 360 bid strategies. With Search Ads 360, you save time, reduce complexity, and have the ability to make better decisions and increase your Return on Investment (ROI) for search marketing.

Campaigns: Traffic your ads and keywords to the search engines

Business challenge: A consumer enters a keyword in a search engine, and ads appear in the search results. The consumer clicks on one of the ads and eventually makes a purchase. What caused the ad to appear in the search results? And how did it end up ranked where it was in relation to the other ads?

Search Ads 360 solution: Use Search Ads 360 campaigns to traffic ads and keywords to the supported search engines. The ads and keywords in a Search Ads 360 campaign are mapped to a similar object on the search engine through the API. Then, when a consumer enters one of these keywords on the search engine, an ad from the campaign may appear in the search results.

The position where the ad appears on the search engine is largely based on the bid for the keyword (position is also based on other factors, such as ad quality and clickthrough rate, depending on the search engine). You can set this bid, as well as many other properties, directly in Search Ads 360. Learn more about setting up your campaigns in Search Ads 360.

Strategic bid optimization: Apply automated bid rules to your keywords

Business challenge: You can use campaigns in Search Ads 360 to set your bids for keywords. But what if you don’t have the time to manually set bids for the keywords in your search program, see where your ads are ranking, position-wise, in the search results, and then adjust as necessary? You know how much profit you want to make on your search campaign – or how much you’re willing to spend for each action/transaction – but you don’t want to take the time to manually adjust the bidding on your keywords to make it happen.

Search Ads 360 solution: Remove the complexity from keyword bidding by using Search Ads 360 bid strategies, which set bids automatically based on a straightforward set of rules that you provide. Learn more about setting up bid strategies in Search Ads 360.

Reporting: See how your ads and keywords are performing

Business challenge: After you set up your campaigns and bid strategies, Search Ads 360 will traffic your ads and keywords to the search engines. But how are the ads and keywords in your search program doing? Are they performing up to expectations? Are the bids that you're paying for your keywords generating the desired profit from consumer purchases?

Search Ads 360 solution: In Search Ads 360, you can analyze the performance of the ads and keywords in your account directly from the Campaigns tab. On any page in this tab, you can get a snapshot of performance and trends. The performance summary graph at the top of the page provides a look at how your ads/keywords are performing for one metric (such as impressions). The table at the bottom of the page breaks the data down into more detail for each object. For example, if you're on the Ads page, you'll see metrics such as Impressions, Clicks, and Click-through Rate for each ad in the ad group. Learn more about all of the reporting features in Search Ads 360.

Stories from businesses who use Search Ads 360

See how other business have benefited from using Search Ads 360 and the Google Marketing Platform.


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