shepherl ★ 4.0k
Role: Admin
Status: New
Handle: @lshep
Reputation: 3960
Joined: 8.4 years ago
Last seen: 4 hours ago
Location: United States

Bioconductor Core Team Member.

I work as a Bioconductor Core Team Member out of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY.  I'm active in many areas of the project but notably maintain the Single Package Builder for new submissions, AWS resources, Bioconductor core docker images, the main Bioconductor website, and this support site.  While all members of the team offer support and maintenance of core package and core structures, I'm particularly more responsible for BiocCheck, BiocFileCache, and the Hubs (AnnotationHub, AnnotationHubData, ExperimentHub, ExperimentHubData).

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