
savonet / News: Recent posts

Liquidsoap 1.0.0

Dear all,

After several beta versions, a release candidate and lots of tests... Samuel, Romain and I are proud to announce the release of liquidsoap 1.0.0!

Although many people already use liquidsoap in various production settings, this is an important milestone for the project. We consider this version stable and well designed, we'll maintain it as it is, doing our best to ensure backward compatibility.... read more

Posted by David Baelde 2011-10-15

Liquidsoap 0.9.0 is out !

Dear all,

It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of liquidsoap 0.9.0!

This release, as the version suggests, is a big step toward liquidsoap 1.0.0.
Notably, we now have an experimental video support in liquidsoap. This
feature allows to create and stream audio and video data using liquidsoap!

On the road to 1.0.0, we should complete this support by extending the
liquidsoap language to ensure a proper interaction of various types of stream
in the same setup.... read more

Posted by Toots 2009-03-04

Liquidsoap realeased

Liquidsoap has just been released, fixing several important issues in smart_crossfade.

We recommend that any user using this function with liquidsoap 0.3.8 update its installation.

In the meantime, since the changes only involve the default library used by liquidsoap, namely utils.liq, it is possible to update any existing 0.3.8 liquidsoap without the need to recompile or reinstall.

You can find a copy of the fixed utils.liq script in the download section on sourceforce [1]. You can then replace your old utils.liq from 0.3.8 with this file. It is usually placed in /usr/local/lib/liquidsoap/0.3.8 or /usr/lib/liquidsoap/0.3.8... read more

Posted by Samuel Mimram 2008-08-11

Liquidsoap keeps getting better and better

It's my great pleasure to announce the release 0.3.7 of Liquidsoap. You can check the changelog to see what's new, be it visible or not to the user. I'll just say here that it's more and more stable and usable, even though it's been growing even more. We keep polishing it, thanks to the growing community!

Posted by David Baelde 2008-06-02

0.3.6 released !

0.3.6 is the second bug fix release since 0.3.4.

It includes several important bugfix, as described in the changelog:
0.3.6 (17-12-2007)
Bugfix release:
- Close Http socket
- Add http socket timeout
- Close playlist file after reading its content
- Fix http redirect support for lastfm files
- Fix file open leak in camomile support
- Fix playlist uri ending with "/"

You may consider upgrading to this release...

Posted by Toots 2007-12-17

Savonet 0.3.4 released!

The Savonet team is proud to have finally released savonet 0.3.4 with many new features (JACK and LADSPA support in particular), new operators (many filters) and bugfixes...


Posted by Samuel Mimram 2007-11-08

Liquidsoap in Debian

The latest release of liquidsoap has been accepted in the official Debian archive. This means that installing liquidsoap on this distribution is now as easy as typing "aptitude install liquidsoap"!...

Posted by Samuel Mimram 2007-04-29

Windows binary for Liquidsoap

Romain Beauxis made a Windows port of Liquidsoap. As a result, we put a snapshot of the development version of Liquidsoap in the downloads section. Feedback will be welcomed.

A new set of releases should come soon with liquidsoap 0.3.2, and not only for Windows this time.

Posted by David Baelde 2007-02-05

A bunch of Savonet releases, including liquidsoap 0.3.0

The Savonet team is proud to finally release liquidsoap 0.3.0, together with a bunch of new releases of our OCaml libraries: vorbis, mad, lame, alsa, shout, and others.

Many bugs have been fixed and liquidsoap is now quite stable, but we also added a LOT of new features, and improved on the usability. Real documentation is now available, on PDF and on our new wiki. Read more there!

Posted by David Baelde 2006-08-27

Freezing for new releases!

I recently made the last major modification to liquidsoap before a new release. We're now freezing, closing bugs, improving on usability, writing doc...

A bunch of files should be released before summer. I hope it'll help a lot of people to discover our tools.

Posted by David Baelde 2006-05-10

Migrating to subversion

We have migrated our repository to subversion. CVS won't be updated anymore! So, please switch to svn if you want the development version of savonet.

Posted by Samuel Mimram 2006-04-07

New website: wiki

There has been some activity recently even though it is not so much visible. First, we have a brand new website which is a wiki and should be much more up-to-date. Moreover, we've been remotivated by the fact that we have potential new users. We might even release strider some day, who knows....

Posted by Samuel Mimram 2006-02-16

Underground progress

Although the remaining active developers have been very busy with real life these days, the project is not dead.

We worked on underground minor bugfixes, and basically waited a month for this news: our test webradio reached a uptime of one month!

The other nice news is that the system is spreading a bit, since we have our (probably) first non-developer user. The webradio at Centrale Paris, Radio Pi, is moving to liquidsoap. They used to run a spaghetti system, and are currently moving to liquidsoap for a cleaner system with more features. The migration came sonner than expected, since they unfortunately had some hardware problems causing loss of much data and breakage of the old system.... read more

Posted by David Baelde 2005-12-12


Thanks to a new partner ( liquidsoap development took new directions and is very active. Radiopi should eventually move to liquidsoap, but they needed more. We gave them.

Liquidsoap can now have output nodes at any position in the scheduler tree, not only at the root. And those outputs can be desactivated from the telnet interface, which has been restarted from scratch.

We added features for live shows. First, a liquidsoap (server-side) can take a vorbis http stream as input. Then, a liquidsoap (client-side) can use alsa as input-output, together with an usual icecast output to stream the emission.... read more

Posted by David Baelde 2005-06-03

liquidsoap 0.2.0 released

The savonet project aims at building a complex webradio system, featuring many general-purpose libraries for ocaml. The heart, liquidsoap, is a light but powerful audio stream generator, programmable and highly extensible thanks to many abstractions: input (format&protocol), output, stream generation & combination... Written in OCaml, the project contributed many bindings for wide-spread libraries such as vorbis, mad, shout, ssl.... read more

Posted by David Baelde 2005-04-21

Release soon!

Liquidsoap is now quite stable, we expect the last bugs corrected were the only survivors, and we'll probably start the release process soon!
More and more doc is being written, you can already checkout on our homepage.

Posted by David Baelde 2005-04-12