Svetuka kuchirochemo


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Kusura (farting in English) chiitiko chokunge munhu achiburitsa mweya nekumashure kunobuda nedhodhi; mweya uyu unobuda uchinhuhwa.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaNyungwe vanoti pfudzi (v. fart) kusura. VaGulu vanoti ku-sulula (v. leak) kuduza. VaZigula vanoti kusula; kushula (break wind downwards).
  • VaLungu vanoti ukusula (to flatulate) kureva kusura. VaTaabwa vanoti kusyola (v. fart) kureva kusura.
  • Kirundi inoti gusura kana gusurira (to fart, to pass gas) zvichireva kusura.
  • Yao inoti kupwisa (to pass wind from the bowels) kureva kusura. Mamwe mazwi: chipwisa (emission of air from the bowel) kureva chisuro.
  • VaDigo vanoti pufula (to fart silently). MaZulu vanoti phunyuka (Pass wind) vachireva kupunyuka kwechisuro.
  • VaMaconde vanoti kudamba (v. fart) kureva kusura. Maconde inoti -sulula (v. drip, leak) kureva kuduza.
  • Mandinka inoti fuso (n. flatus - intestinal gas produced by bacterial action on waste matter in the intestines).