2023 love

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As I look at the seasons of my life, I’m reminded that there have been many seasons I’ve been tired. Seasons when it feels like everything is going wrong at the same time, and that I’m fighting to hold everything together. What a great reminder to put my hope, my faith, my trust, my assurance, in the word of God. Let Him be both my shield AND my refuge. He will fight my battle and provide a resting place. Did you need this reminder too? #GodIsOurRefuge #godisourshield #hopeinthelord #ver...
Give all you have for Jesus
When you give all you have to God, He responds with what He desires most: your heart. ❤️🙏 #AllIHave #GodsLove #Faith #Jesus #HeartForGod #SpiritualJourney #TrustInHim
Discover the Law of Attraction and how it can empower you to create the life you desire. Learn how to use visualization, affirmations, and gratitude to manifest abundance, health, and joy. Explore practical tips and success stories that illustrate the transformative potential of positive thinking and intention setting.