Older times

121 Pins
Why You Should Plan Your Meals Like a 1940s Homemaker
Why plan your meals like a 1940s homemaker? Because your family will be healthier, it is budget-friendly, and good for the environment, too!
How to Equip Your Homestead Kitchen - The Essentials You Need
How to equip your homestead kitchen - the essentials for a homesteading / self-sufficient kitchen.
Old Fashioned Housewife In Real Life {free printable biblical word study}
This might be a controversial topic, but I really hope it’s not. I hope you can see my heart’s thoughts on the matter. It’s been on my mind a lot lately and I have been reading some blogs about the old fashioned housewife. I long for the days when an old fashioned housewife wasRead more
1950s Housewife Morning Routine
Wanting to try a new morning routine? Try this 1950s housewife's morning routine. You can also find inspiration from this routine to help you make your own. #1950s #MorningRoutine