Digby George Gerahty

(Presmerované z Robert Standish)

Digby George Gerahty (* 1898 – † 6. november 1981, Valbonne, Francúzsko[1]) bol anglický spisovateľ, ktorý písal pod pseudonymami Robert Standish a Stephen Lister.

Digby George Gerahty
britský spisovateľ
Úmrtie6. november 1981
Valbonne, Francúzsko

Písal predovšetkým poviedky a romány, fungoval ako prispievateľ do časopisu Saturday Evening Post. Jeho najvýznamnejší román bol Elephant Walk, ktorý bol neskôr sfilmovaný (Elizabeth Taylor v hlavnej úlohe).[1]

  • The Three Bamboos (1942)
  • Bonin (1943)
  • The Small General (1945)
  • Mr. On Loong (1947)
  • Elephant Walk (1948)
  • The Gulf of Time (1948)
  • Follow the Seventh Man (1950)
  • Marise (1950)
  • A Worthy Man (1952)
  • Gentleman of China (1953)
  • Fit for a Bishop; or, How to Keep a Fat Priest in Prime Condition (Recipes) (1953, 1955) (pod pseudonymom Stephen Lister)
  • A Long Way from Pimlico (1954) (v USA ako Escape from Pimlico)
  • Face Value (1955) (poviedky)
  • Blind Tiger (1956)
  • Honourable Ancestor (1956)
  • Storm Centre (1957)
  • African Guinea Pig (1958)
  • The Radio-Active General and Other Stories (1959)
  • The Big One Got Away (1960)
  • The First of Trees: The Story of The Olive (1960)
  • The Talking Dog: and Other Stories (1961)
  • Singapore Kate (1964)
  • End of The Line (1965)
  • The Widow Hack (1966)
  • The Course of True Love (1968)
  • Elephant Law, and Other Stories (1969)
  • Rickshaw Boy (1970)
  • Hungarian Roulette (1972) (pod pseudonymom Stephen Lister)
  • The Silk Tontine (1972)
  • The Fountain of Youth, and Other Stories (1973)
  • The Short Match (1974)
  • Dabney's Reef (1975)
  • The Cruise of The 'Three Brothers' (1976)
  • Green Fire (1976)
  • The Gulf of Time (1976)
  • The Story of Mary Lee (1978)
  • The Prince of Storytellers (1979)


  1. a b "Mr R Standish", The Times, 7 November 1981, p. 8

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