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Prof. Vladimir Elisashvili

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Prof. Vladimir Elisashvili is a director of the Institute of Microbial Biotechnology at the Agricultural University of Georgia. In 1974, he obtained his PhD in microbiology at the Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) State University. In 1976/77, he obtained a postdoc position at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Paris VII, France. In 1993, he obtained the Doctor of Biological Sciences degree in biochemistry. His main scientific and technological interests include the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into value-added products, production, properties and application of lignocellulose-deconstructing enzymes, development of technologies of edible mushroom, pharmaceuticals, and probiotics production, microbial and enzymatic removal of organic pollutants. During 2001–2006, he worked at the Free University of Brussels and in two biotechnological companies in Israel. He serves as an Editorial board member of three reputed journals and as a reviewer for more than 10 scientific journals. He is the (co)-author of over 200 publications. He has developed several biotechnologies dealing with enzymes, mushrooms, and feed production and he is an author of 6 inventions and patents in microbial biotechnology. He has participated in a number of national and international projects and has a wide collaboration with many laboratories in Europe, the USA, and Canada. In 2016, his team was awarded the best scientific group in Georgia.

Research Keywords & Expertise

Microbial physiology a...
Lignocellulose biorefi...

Short Biography

Prof. Vladimir Elisashvili is a director of the Institute of Microbial Biotechnology at the Agricultural University of Georgia. In 1974, he obtained his PhD in microbiology at the Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) State University. In 1976/77, he obtained a postdoc position at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Paris VII, France. In 1993, he obtained the Doctor of Biological Sciences degree in biochemistry. His main scientific and technological interests include the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass into value-added products, production, properties and application of lignocellulose-deconstructing enzymes, development of technologies of edible mushroom, pharmaceuticals, and probiotics production, microbial and enzymatic removal of organic pollutants. During 2001–2006, he worked at the Free University of Brussels and in two biotechnological companies in Israel. He serves as an Editorial board member of three reputed journals and as a reviewer for more than 10 scientific journals. He is the (co)-author of over 200 publications. He has developed several biotechnologies dealing with enzymes, mushrooms, and feed production and he is an author of 6 inventions and patents in microbial biotechnology. He has participated in a number of national and international projects and has a wide collaboration with many laboratories in Europe, the USA, and Canada. In 2016, his team was awarded the best scientific group in Georgia.