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Prof. F.W. W. Prinzen

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Frits W. Prinzen is emeritus professor of Physiology at Maastricht University. He studied Medical Biology in Utrecht and defended his Ph.D. in Maastricht in 1982. His research focusses on the relation between the electrical activation and mechanical contraction and pump function of the heart, with specific application to pacemaker therapies in heart failure. Results from his work provided new insights in and opportunities for pacemaker therapies. He has participated in the CTMM-COHFAR consortium and has been and is a work package leader in several EU-funded projects, including the International Training Network (Personalised in silico Cardiology). In addition, he ran multiple investigator-initiated studies that were funded by the industry. He has been chairman of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society and of the Innovation Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Currently, he is member of the Scientific Initiatives Committee of EHRA.

Short Biography

Frits W. Prinzen is emeritus professor of Physiology at Maastricht University. He studied Medical Biology in Utrecht and defended his Ph.D. in Maastricht in 1982. His research focusses on the relation between the electrical activation and mechanical contraction and pump function of the heart, with specific application to pacemaker therapies in heart failure. Results from his work provided new insights in and opportunities for pacemaker therapies. He has participated in the CTMM-COHFAR consortium and has been and is a work package leader in several EU-funded projects, including the International Training Network (Personalised in silico Cardiology). In addition, he ran multiple investigator-initiated studies that were funded by the industry. He has been chairman of the Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society and of the Innovation Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA). Currently, he is member of the Scientific Initiatives Committee of EHRA.