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Dr. Bruce Hammock

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Prof. Bruce Hammock is a Distinguished Professor of Entomology & UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Director of the NIEHS-UC Davis Superfund Basic Research Program. He graduated from the Louisiana State University with a B.S. degree in Entomology in 1969. Then, in 1973, he obtained his Ph.D. in Entomology/Toxicology at the University of California, where he served as a Postdoc Fellow in Entomology/Toxicology. After that, he went to the Rockefeller Foundation, at Northwestern University, and took a position as a Postdoc Fellow in Biochemistry. His research interests are biochemistry and physiology of endocrine regulation in insects; development of recombinant viral pesticides; disruption of chemical mediation by chemical means and biotechnology; comparative pesticide metabolism in insects and mammals; metabolism of epoxidized xenobiotics; immunochemical methodology for detection of xenobiotics.

Short Biography

Prof. Bruce Hammock is a Distinguished Professor of Entomology & UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Director of the NIEHS-UC Davis Superfund Basic Research Program. He graduated from the Louisiana State University with a B.S. degree in Entomology in 1969. Then, in 1973, he obtained his Ph.D. in Entomology/Toxicology at the University of California, where he served as a Postdoc Fellow in Entomology/Toxicology. After that, he went to the Rockefeller Foundation, at Northwestern University, and took a position as a Postdoc Fellow in Biochemistry. His research interests are biochemistry and physiology of endocrine regulation in insects; development of recombinant viral pesticides; disruption of chemical mediation by chemical means and biotechnology; comparative pesticide metabolism in insects and mammals; metabolism of epoxidized xenobiotics; immunochemical methodology for detection of xenobiotics.