Elenna R Dugundji
Elenna R Dugundji
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Discrete choice with social and spatial network interdependencies: an empirical example using mixed generalized extreme value models with field and panel effects
ER Dugundji, JL Walker
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2005
Correcting for endogeneity in behavioral choice models with social influence variables
JL Walker, E Ehlers, I Banerjee, ER Dugundji
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45 (4), 362-374, 2011
Sociodynamic discrete choice on networks in space: impacts of agent heterogeneity on emergent outcomes
ER Dugundji, L Gulyás
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (6), 1028-1054, 2008
Transportation and social interactions
ER Dugundji, A Páez, TA Arentze, JL Walker, JA Carrasco, F Marchal, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45 (4), 239-247, 2011
Generalized behavioral framework for choice models of social influence: Behavioral and data concerns in travel behavior
M Maness, C Cirillo, ER Dugundji
Journal of transport geography 46, 137-150, 2015
Social networks, choices, mobility, and travel
ER Dugundji, A Páez, T Arentze
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (6), 956-960, 2008
New activity diary format: design and limited empirical evidence
T Arentze, M Dijst, ER Dugundji, CH Joh, L Kapoen, S Krygsman, K Maat, ...
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2001
Amadeus: a framework for developing a dynamic multi-agent, multi-period, activity-based micro-simulation model of travel demand
HJP Timmermans, TA Arentze, M Dijst, ER Dugundji, CH Joh, L Kapoen, ...
81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2002
Empirical estimation and multi-agent based simulation of a discrete choice model with network interaction effects
ER Dugundji, L Gulyas
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Urban …, 2003
Social interactions in transportation: analyzing groups and spatial networks
F Goetzke, R Gerike, A Páez, ER Dugundji
Transportation 42 (5), 723-731, 2015
Predicting traffic phases from car sensor data using machine learning
E Heyns, S Uniyal, E Dugundji, F Tillema, C Huijboom
Procedia computer science 151, 92-99, 2019
Urban mobility and social-spatial contact -- Introduction
ER Dugundji, DM Scott, JA Carrasco, A Paez
Environment and Planning A 44 (5), 1011-1015, 2012
Mapping communities in large virtual social networks: Using Twitter data to find the Indie Mac community
M Van Meeteren, A Poorthuis, ER Dugundji
Business Applications of Social Network Analysis (BASNA), 2010 IEEE …, 2010
Predicting electric vehicle charging demand using mixed generalized extreme value models with panel effects
G Berkelmans, W Berkelmans, N Piersma, R Van Der Mei, E Dugundji
Procedia computer science 130, 549-556, 2018
Short-term forecasting of off-street parking occupancy
ES Fokker, T Koch, M van Leeuwen, ER Dugundji
Transportation Research Record 2676 (1), 637-654, 2022
An exploration of the role of global versus local and social versus spatial networks in transportation mode choice behavior in the Netherlands
ER Dugundji, L Gulyas
Proceedings of AGENT 4, 2003
Taste variation in environmental features of bicycle routes
T Koch, ER Dugundji
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on …, 2021
The Amadeus program: Scope and conceptual development
TA Arentze, M Dijst, ER Dugundji, CH Joh, L Kapoen, S Krijgsman, ...
Selected Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research, 2001
Structure and emergence in a nested logit model with social and spatial interactions
ER Dugundji, L Gulyás
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 19, 151-203, 2013
Sociodynamic discrete choice on networks in space: role of utility parameters and connectivity in emergent outcomes
ER Dugundji, L Gulyás
Procedia Computer Science 10, 827-832, 2012
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Articles 1–20