Matthew Wetstein
Matthew Wetstein
Cabrillo College
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Cited by
Attitudinal decision making in the Supreme Court of Canada
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein
UBC Press, 2011
Abortion rates in the United States: The influence of opinion and policy
ME Wetstein
SUNY Press, 1996
Attitudinal dimensions of Supreme Court decision making in Canada: the Lamer court, 1991-1995
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein, CR Ducat
Political Research Quarterly 55 (1), 235-256, 2002
Ideological Consistency and Attitudinal Conf lict: A Comparative Analysis of the US and Canadian Supreme Courts
ME Wetstein, CL Ostberg, DR Songer, SW Johnson
Comparative Political Studies 42 (6), 763-792, 2009
Law, Ideology, and Collegiality: Judicial Behaviour in the Supreme Court of Canada
DR Songer
McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP, 2012
Effects of public opinion on abortion policies and use in the American states
ME Wetstein, RB Albritton
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 25 (4), 91-105, 1995
Dimensions of attitudes underlying search and seizure decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada
CL Ostberg, M Wetstein
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 1998
Attitudes, precedents and cultural change: Explaining the citation of foreign precedents by the Supreme Court of Canada
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein, CR Ducat
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2001
Showing incoming students the campus ropes: Predicting student persistence using a logistic regression model
A Nguyen, B Hays, M Wetstein
Journal of applied research in the community college 18 (1), 11-16, 2010
Search and Seizure Cases in the Supreme Court of Canada: Extending an American Model of Judicial Decision Making Across Countries
ME Wetstein, CL Ostberg
Social Science Quarterly, 757-774, 1999
A LISREL model of public opinion on abortion
ME Wetstein
Understanding the new politics of abortion, 57-70, 1993
Leaders, followers, and outsiders: Task and social leadership on the Canadian Supreme Court in the early'nineties
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein, CR Ducat
Polity 36 (3), 505-528, 2004
Strategic Leadership and Political Change on the Canadian Supreme Court: Analyzing the Transition to Chief Justice
ME Wetstein, CL Ostberg
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2005
The abortion rate paradox: The impact of national policy change on abortion rates
ME Wetstein
Social science quarterly, 607-618, 1995
Acclimation Effects on the Supreme Court of Canada: A Cross‐Cultural Examination of Judicial Folklore*
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein, CR Ducat
Social science quarterly 84 (3), 704-722, 2003
Value change in the Supreme Court of Canada
ME Wetstein, CL Ostberg
University of Toronto Press, 2017
The Canadian Supreme Court: Attitudinal conflict in right to counsel cases
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein
Pol. Sci. Q. 121, 677, 2006
The nature and extent of attitudinal decision making in the Supreme Court of Canada
CL Ostberg, SW Johnson, DR Songer, M Wetstein
annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2004
Equality cases and the attitudinal model in the Supreme Court of Canada
CL Ostberg, ME Wetstein
annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2004
Determinants of abortion use in the American states
RB Albritton, ME Wetstein
annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 1991
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Articles 1–20