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code put in mercurial repository
     posted by markgalassi, Tue 01 May 2012 01:46:31 AM UTC

I have converted to mercurial, and done a few small code updates to work on contemporary POSIX systems (see ChangeLog).  The CVS repository will soon disappear.

dominion distribution now also on
     posted by markgalassi, Fri 18 Feb 2005 04:05:14 AM UTC

You can now download dominion-2.8.2.tar.gz (and future versions) from

dominion-2.8.2 also available on savannah ftp server
     posted by markgalassi, Sat 05 Feb 2005 06:02:17 PM UTC

I have also posted the dominion-2.8.2 tarball on

dominion-2.8.2 released
     posted by markgalassi, Fri 04 Feb 2005 08:46:57 PM UTC

dominion-2.8.2 has further bugfixes and some cleanup; it has been
tagged in the CVS repository as release-2-8-2, and is available
on the web at

dominion-2.8.1 released
     posted by markgalassi, Mon 31 Jan 2005 08:17:50 PM UTC

I have prepared a tarball of dominion-2.8.1 and placed it

I am looking at putting releases here on the savannah server too.

dominion-2.8 tagged in the repository
     posted by markgalassi, Wed 11 Jun 2003 12:28:06 PM UTC

I have tagged the CVS repository with the tag r2_8, and I will be uploading the tarball dominion-2.8.tar.gz as soon as I sort out a technical issue of how to upload files on savannah (!)

Dominion reintroduced to savannah
     posted by markgalassi, Wed 11 Jun 2003 12:18:23 PM UTC

Long ago we had a CVS repository hosted on the GNU machines, but it had fallen in disuse.  Now that savannah is up and looking so good I have set it up again. I am looking for enthusiastic hackers who want to work on the dominion-3 design and implementation, and of course work on bug fixes for dominion-2 is always welcome.

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