2nd bday two sweet

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DIY Giant Cupcake
Difficulty: Easy cap & cracks foam spray - these extra large cupcakes each took a FULL LARGE CAN. I bought at our local Ace Hardware for 12.99 each. Two plastic baskets- all parties no matter your spending power, should include a trip to the dollar store. Depending on how big you want, that’s the size of basket. I saved some boxes from Amazon, traced and cut out a circle of the baskets upside down and then placed them on the top. I then hot glued the cardboard to the top of basket. You could also use a styrofoam ball or many other things I’m sure, whatever will keep the foam on top. Due to my size of cupcakes I had to get two colored poster size card board for each cupcake. I folded it in half, cut it down the middle and then did it to the other one as well. It took me 3/4 to go a
2 Sweet Cake Smash 1st Birthday Photo Shoot
First birthday session photo shoot. Sweets themed cake smash. Donut Grow up.