Мид, Маргарет: различия между версиями

[отпатрулированная версия][отпатрулированная версия]
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ОРФОГРАФИЯ {«е» →‎ «ё»}; ПУНКТУАЦИЯ — пробелы, кавычки, скобки, запятые, точки, тире [оригинальный текст на английском языке: „On the whole, anthropologists have rejected the notion that Mead's conclusions rested on the validity of a single interview with a single person and find instead that Mead based her conclusions on the sum of her observations and interviews during her time in Samoa and that the status of the single interview did not falsify her work.“]
м Удаление шаблонов: {{Нп3}}×1
Строка 98:
* ''To Cherish the Life of the World: Selected Letters of Margaret Mead''. / Margaret M. Caffey, Patricia A. Francis, eds. {{N. Y.}}: Basic Books, 2006
* Cassidy R. M. Mead: a voice for the century. {{N. Y.}}, 1984
* ''The Samoa Reader: Anthropologists Take Stock'' / {{нп3|Катон, Хирам|Hiram Caton||Hiram Caton}}, ed. {{нп3|[[University Press of America}}]], 1990. {{ISBN|978-0-8191-7720-9}}
* {{cite journal | doi = 10.1525/aa.1988.90.3.02a00080 | last = Feinberg |first=Richard | year = 1988 | title = Margaret Mead and Samoa: ''Coming of Age'' in Fact and Fiction | journal = American Anthropologist | volume = 90 | issue = 3| pages = 656–663 }}
* ''Confronting the Margaret Mead Legacy: Scholarship, Empire and the South Pacific''. / Foerstel, Leonora and Angela Gilliam, eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.